
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2016-10-12 2016-10-13
the extension is for upload only (martin) spaces or tabs (Ricardo)
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The extension metadata have to start on the very first line of the extension file. Metadata parsing stops on the first non-metadata line. The extension metadata have to start on the very first line of the extension file. Metadata parsing stops on the first non-metadata line.
-All metadata are prefixed with ''@'', follower by a metadata key, space(s), and a value.+All metadata are prefixed with ''@'', follower by a metadata key, space(s) or tab(s), and a value.
The metadata line have to start with the ''@'', optionally escaped with some recognized "single-line comments" syntax. The recognized comment syntaxes are ''rem'' (Windows batch file), ''#'' (e.g. WinSCP script, PowerShell, %%Perl%%, Python), ''%%//%%'' (e.g. JavaScript), ''%%'%%'' (VBScript). The metadata line have to start with the ''@'', optionally escaped with some recognized "single-line comments" syntax. The recognized comment syntaxes are ''rem'' (Windows batch file), ''#'' (e.g. WinSCP script, PowerShell, %%Perl%%, Python), ''%%//%%'' (e.g. JavaScript), ''%%'%%'' (VBScript).

Last modified: by Ricardo