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2016-03-16 2016-03-16
draft (martin) formatting (martin)
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[[installation|WinSCP installer]] deploys some useful extensions. [[installation|WinSCP installer]] deploys some useful extensions.
-===== Metadata Syntax =====+===== Syntax =====
The extension metadata have to start on the very first line of the extension file. Metadata parsing stops on the first non-metadata line. The extension metadata have to start on the very first line of the extension file. Metadata parsing stops on the first non-metadata line.
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| ''@source'' | A ''%%http://%%'' or ''%%https://%%'' URL to the extension file itself. Not used. In future versions, it can be used to check for extension updates (with use of the ''@version'' key). | | ''@source'' | A ''%%http://%%'' or ''%%https://%%'' URL to the extension file itself. Not used. In future versions, it can be used to check for extension updates (with use of the ''@version'' key). |
-===== Metadata Example =====+===== Example =====
This example shows a header of a PowerShell script with extension metadata: This example shows a header of a PowerShell script with extension metadata:
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For full examples, see the official WinSCP extensions (deployed by WinSCP installer): For full examples, see the official WinSCP extensions (deployed by WinSCP installer):
-- [[library_example_verify_file_checksum|Verify checksum of a remote file against a local file over SFTP/FTP protocol]]; +  * [[library_example_verify_file_checksum|Verify checksum of a remote file against a local file over SFTP/FTP protocol]]; 
-- [[library_example_recursive_search_text|Search recursively for text in remote directory / Grep files over SFTP/FTP protocol]]; +··* [[library_example_recursive_search_text|Search recursively for text in remote directory / Grep files over SFTP/FTP protocol]]; 
-- [[library_example_zip_and_upload|Pack files to ZIP archive and upload it]].+··* [[library_example_zip_and_upload|Pack files to ZIP archive and upload it]].

Last modified: by martin