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2017-02-03 2017-08-31
explicit anchor use (martin) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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While many applications and systems nowadays can work with both formats, some require a specific format. When presenting a file in an another format, they fail to display it correctly, as described above. While many applications and systems nowadays can work with both formats, some require a specific format. When presenting a file in an another format, they fail to display it correctly, as described above.
-===== Text/ASCII Transfer Mode ===== +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> 
- +<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM &quot;http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"> 
-For this reason, file transfer clients and servers support a text/ASCII [[transfer_mode|transfer mode]]. When transferring a file in this mode, the file gets (ideally) converted from a format native to a source system, to a format native to a target system. For example, when uploading a text file using text mode from Windows to Unix system, the file line endings get converted from CR+LF to LF. Opposite to the text/%%ASCII%% transfer mode is a binary transfer mode that transfer the file as is (binary identical)+<properties> 
- +&lt;comment>システムプロパティ。</comment> 
-WinSCP by default uses the binary transfer mode for all regular file transfers. Learn how to configure it to [[transfer_mode#changing|use the text/ASCII transfer mode]]. You may also need to configure [[ui_login_environment|correct server-side text file format]]. +<entry key="auth-server-security">simple</entry> 
- +<entry key="displayed-number-of-records">10</entry> 
-On the contrary, when you want to force WinSCP to use the binary mode, even when editing files in a text editor, you have to use an external text editor ((WinSCP internal editor does not support Unix file format.)) and make sure WinSCP [[ui_editor_preferences#external|does not force text mode for edited files]]. Also make sure your external text editor saves the file in the format you need. ((Most text editors nowadays support different text file formats, not just a format native to the platform the editor runs on.))+<entry key=&quot;prefetch_size">100</entry> 
 +<entry key="import_temp_file_path">./webapps/dbace/WEB-INF/temp</entry> 
 +<entry key="search_comparison_operator_order">isNull,isNotNull,equal,notEqual,greaterEqual,lessEqual,greaterThan,lessThan,likeContains,likeStartsWith,likeEndsWith,notLikeContains,notLikeStartsWith,notLikeEndsWith</entry> 
 +<entry key="audit_setting">./webapps/dbace/WEB-INF/appresources/auditSetting.xml</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-timeout">3000</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-protocol"/> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-id"/> 
 +<entry key="pulldown_max_count">2000</entry> 
 +<entry key="license-cnt">Unlimited</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-base-domain"/> 
 +<entry key="preview-column-count">4</entry> 
 +<entry key="import_maximum_byte_for_csv">10</entry> 
 +<entry key="download_maximum_byte_for_excel">30</entry> 
 +<entry key="search-max-record-count">500000</entry> 
 +<entry key="ext-auth">OFF</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-connect-pwd"/> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-type"/> 
 +<entry key="download_maximum_byte_for_csv">10</entry> 
 +<entry key="download_fetch_size">100</entry> 
 +<entry key=&quot;import_maximum_byte_for_excel">10</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-connect-username"/
 +<entry key="search_condition_filepath">./webapps/dbace/WEB-INF/user/searchcondition</entry> 
 +<entry key=&quot;license-key">0r/7wi7SsKFTwdq9kcui4LIuJDRYf5q/+OZ3Rt6aVXU=</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-user-identify&quot;/> 
 +&lt;entry key="development_mode">false</entry> 
 +<entry key="app_repository">./webapps/dbace/WEB-INF/appresources/repository.xml</entry> 
 +<entry key="auth-server-port"/> 
 +<entry key="import_maximum_byte_for_tsv">10</entry> 
 +<entry key="application_name">DB エース メンテナンスエディション</entry> 
 +<entry key="download_mode">1</entry> 
===== [[known_issues]] Known Issues with Transfer Mode ===== ===== [[known_issues]] Known Issues with Transfer Mode =====

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