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2014-02-05 2014-09-18
locating sftp binary path in sshd_config (martin) no summary (
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  yourusername ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL   yourusername ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
-The above line is very benevolent, it allows user ''yourusername'' connected from anywhere (the first ''ALL'') to run any command (the second ''ALL'') as a ''root'' without being asked for password. So you should restrict it as much as possible.+The above line is very permissive, it allows user ''yourusername'' connected from anywhere (the first ''ALL'') to run any command (the second ''ALL'') as a ''root'' without being asked for password. So you should restrict it as much as possible.
For example with OpenSSH you may restrict it only to SFTP session by: For example with OpenSSH you may restrict it only to SFTP session by:

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