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2012-02-29 2012-02-29
escaping separator characters (martin) time constraints (martin)
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  * Various [[scripting#commands|script commands]].   * Various [[scripting#commands|script commands]].
-===== Syntax =====+===== Basic Syntax =====
When specifying the mask you can use following patterns: When specifying the mask you can use following patterns:
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| ''[abc]''  | Matches one character from the set. | ''index_[abc].html'' | | ''[abc]''  | Matches one character from the set. | ''index_[abc].html'' |
| ''[a-z]''  | Matches one character from the range. | ''index_[a-z].html'' | | ''[a-z]''  | Matches one character from the range. | ''index_[a-z].html'' |
-| ''>size''  | Matches files (never directory) larger than ''size'' (''K'', ''M'' and ''G'' units can be used). This rule must be used after the file name mask (if any). | ''*.bin>1M'' | 
-| ''<size''  | Matches files smaller than ''size''. | ''<1G'' | 
-All other characters are treated literally.+All other characters are treated literally (except for special characters used in contructs decribed below).
To escape character with special meaning in patterns (''*?['') enclose it into set pattern, e.g. ''filewithstar[*]''. To escape character with special meaning in patterns (''*?['') enclose it into set pattern, e.g. ''filewithstar[*]''.
-To escape separator character ('';,|<>'') double it, e.g. ''filewith,,comma''.+===== Size and Time Constraints ===== 
 +File mask can be followed by these size and time constraints: 
 +^ Pattern ^ Meaning ^ Example ^ 
 +| ''>size[KMG]''  | Matches files larger than ''size''. Following units can be used: ''K'' (Kibibyte), ''M'' (Mebibyte) or ''G'' (Gibibyte). | ''*.bin>;1M'' | 
 +| ''<size[KMG]''  | Matches files smaller than ''size''. | ''<1G'' | 
 +| &future_feature: ||| 
 +| ''>yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]''  | Matches files modified the last time after the date or time. | ''>2012-01-01'', ''>2012-02-29 08:47'' | 
 +| ''>time[YDHNS]''  | Matches files modified the last time within specified interval. One of the following units must be used: ''Y'' (years), ''D'' (days), ''H'' (hours), ''N'' (minutes') or ''S'' (seconds). | ''*.doc>1Y'' | 
 +| ''<yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]''  | Matches files modified the last time before the date or time. | ''*.doc<2012-02-29 08:54:21'' | 
 +| ''<time[YDHNS]''  | Matches files modified the last time before specified interval. | ''<60D'' | 
 +It is also possible to use operators ''>='' and ''%%<=%%''. 
 +To escape operator character (''<>'') double it, e.g. ''filewith%%<<%%lessthan''.
===== Combining Masks ===== ===== Combining Masks =====
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For example following mask includes all JPG and GIF images: ''*.jpg; *.gif''. For example following mask includes all JPG and GIF images: ''*.jpg; *.gif''.
 +To escape separator character double it, e.g. ''filewith,,comma''.
===== Include and Exclude Masks ===== ===== Include and Exclude Masks =====
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In releases //prior to the next release//, in transfer settings, it was possible to explicitly select whether the file mask is include or exclude mask. When exclude file mask was selected, the order of exclude and include mask was reverted. Mask was starting with exclude mask, optionally followed by pipe and include mask. &future In releases //prior to the next release//, in transfer settings, it was possible to explicitly select whether the file mask is include or exclude mask. When exclude file mask was selected, the order of exclude and include mask was reverted. Mask was starting with exclude mask, optionally followed by pipe and include mask. &future
 +To escape pipe character double it, e.g. ''filewith||pipe''.
===== Directory Mask ===== ===== Directory Mask =====

Last modified: by martin