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2013-02-18 2013-04-22
combining include/exclude example with more than 1 element on both sides (martin) restriction on combining masks apply to .net methods too (martin)
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===== Combining Masks ===== ===== Combining Masks =====
-In most contexts (basically everywhere, except for source parameters of some [[scripting#commands|script commands]]((Note that this restriction does not apply to ''-filemask'' switch.))), you can combine several masks using semicolon ('';'') or comma ('','').+In most contexts, you can combine several masks using semicolon ('';'') or comma ('',''). You cannot use this in source parameters of [[scripting#commands|script commands]] and .NET assembly methods.((Note that this restriction does not apply to ''-filemask'' switch in scripting and ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions.FileMask]]'' in .NET assembly.))
For example following mask includes all JPG and GIF images: ''*.jpg; *.gif''. For example following mask includes all JPG and GIF images: ''*.jpg; *.gif''.

Last modified: by martin