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2019-04-13 2019-12-03
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To escape character with special meaning in patterns (''*?['') surround it by set pattern, e.g. ''filewithstar[*]''. To escape character with special meaning in patterns (''*?['') surround it by set pattern, e.g. ''filewithstar[*]''.
-===== [[size_time]] Size and Time Constraints ===== +sadsad
-File mask can be followed by these size and time constraints: +
- +
-^ Pattern ^ Meaning ^ Example ^ +
-| ''>size[KMG]''  | Matches files larger than ''size''. \\ Note that directories are considered to have a zero size. \\ Following units can be used: ''K'' (Kilobyte), ''M'' (Megabyte) or ''G'' (Gigabyte). | ''*.bin>1M'' | +
-| ''<size[KMG]''  | Matches files smaller than ''size''. | ''<1G'' | +
-| ''>yyyy-mm-dd[&nbsp;hh:mm[:ss]]'' | Matches files modified the last time after the date or time (i.e. "newer than"). | ''>2012-01-01'' \\ ''>2012-02-29&nbsp;08:47'' | +
-| ''>time[YDHNS][S]''  | Matches files modified the last time within specified interval (i.e. "newer than"). \\ Cannot be used for directories. \\ One of the following units must be used: ''Y'' (years), ''D'' (days), ''H'' (hours), ''N'' (minutes) or ''S'' (seconds). \\ Optional ''S'' suffix denotes rounding the time before the interval to the start of the interval unit. For example, ''2DS'' refers to the start (midnight) of the day before yesterday. ''0HS'' refers to the start of the current hour. Keywords ''==today=='' and ''==yesterday=='' can be used instead of ''0DS'' and ''1DS'', respectively. | ''*.doc>1Y'' \\ ''>2HS'' \\ ''>yesterday'' | +
-| ''<yyyy-mm-dd[&nbsp;hh:mm[:ss]]'' | Matches files modified the last time before the date or time (i.e. "older than"). | ''*.doc<2012-02-29&nbsp;08:54:21'' | +
-| ''<time[YDHNS][S]''  | Matches files modified the last time before specified interval (i.e. "older than"). | ''<60D'' | +
- +
-It is also possible to use operators ''>='' and ''%%<=%%''. +
- +
-To escape an operator character (''<>''), double it, e.g. ''filewith%%<<%%lessthan''. +
- +
-To combine constraints, append one after another, without any separators (or use spaces). E.g. to select all ''.doc'' files created in 2013: ''%%*.doc>=2013-01-01<=2013-12-31%%''. +
- +
-Note that if your constraint contains spaces (particularly constraint with date and time), to use it in [[scripting]], you need to enclose whole mask to double-quotes. +
===== [[combining]] Combining Masks ===== ===== [[combining]] Combining Masks =====

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