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2015-11-12 2015-11-12
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Negotiation is not allowed with implicit %%FTPS%% configurations. A client is immediately expected to challenge the %%FTPS%% server with a connection encrypted using TLS/SSL. If it does not, the server should drop the connection. Negotiation is not allowed with implicit %%FTPS%% configurations. A client is immediately expected to challenge the %%FTPS%% server with a connection encrypted using TLS/SSL. If it does not, the server should drop the connection.
-In order to maintain compatibility with existing non-%%TLS%%/%%SSL%% aware %%FTP%% clients, implicit %%FTPS%% was expected to listen on the IANA Well Known Port 990/TCP for the %%FTPS%% control channel and 989/%%TCP%% for the %%FTPS%% data channel. This allowed administrators to retain legacy compatible services on the original 21/%%TCP%% %%FTP%% control channel. dgdfg fdgdfgdfgdfgdfg+In order to maintain compatibility with existing non-%%TLS%%/%%SSL%% aware %%FTP%% clients, implicit %%FTPS%% was expected to listen on the IANA Well Known Port 990/TCP for the %%FTPS%% control channel and 989/%%TCP%% for the %%FTPS%% data channel. This allowed administrators to retain legacy compatible services on the original 21/%%TCP%% %%FTP%% control channel.
In Implicit Mode, the entire %%FTPS%% session (both control and data channels) is unconditionally encrypted. In Implicit Mode, the entire %%FTPS%% session (both control and data channels) is unconditionally encrypted.

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