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2013-09-03 2013-09-19
Restored revision 1376470495. Undoing revision 1378219364. (martin) (hidden) note that the example is a batch file (martin)
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  * Save and inspect output of the script. Use [[executables|output redirection]].   * Save and inspect output of the script. Use [[executables|output redirection]].
-Once you find out what was the result of the script, you can perform any action you like. E.g. after evaluating exit code of WinSCP, you can send a "success" or "error" email. For that use any command-line email client you like, e.g. [[http://glob.com.au/sendmail/|sendmail]]:+Once you find out what was the result of the script, you can perform any action you like. E.g. after evaluating exit code of WinSCP, you can send a "success" or "error" email. For that use any command-line email client you like, e.g. [[http://glob.com.au/sendmail/|sendmail]]. See example batch file:
<code> <code>

Last modified: by martin