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2019-02-19 2019-02-19
no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted) Restored revision 1527764823. Undoing revision 1550593890. (martin) (hidden)
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===== Downloading ===== ===== Downloading =====
-You can obtain WinSCP from the [[[[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[other_page|External Link]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]&download|WinSCP download page]]. Follow the //Installation package// link. You should save the installer to an easily accessible location such as your Windows desktop or your //My Documents// folder.+You can obtain WinSCP from the [[&download|WinSCP download page]]. Follow the //Installation package// link. You should save the installer to an easily accessible location such as your Windows desktop or your //My Documents// folder.
WinSCP is also available from [[microsoft_store|Microsoft Store]]. WinSCP is also available from [[microsoft_store|Microsoft Store]].

Last modified: by martin