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2017-12-03 2017-12-09
removed "-Confirm:$false" flag which no longer works, accidentally the word directory ( Helping users who encounter an error when creating dot-folders in Windows (
Line 23: Line 23:
Follow a generic guide for [[guide_public_key|Setting up SSH public key authentication]] in *nix OpenSSH server, with following differences: Follow a generic guide for [[guide_public_key|Setting up SSH public key authentication]] in *nix OpenSSH server, with following differences:
-  * Create the ''.ssh'' folder (for the ''authorized_keys'' file) in your Windows account profile folder (typically in ''C:\Users\username\.ssh''). &winpath+  * Create the ''.ssh'' folder (for the ''authorized_keys'' file) in your Windows account profile folder (typically in ''C:\Users\username\.ssh''). &winpath··For Windows 7+, you might encounter an error "You must type a file name" when you try to rename the folder ''.ssh''  In this case, name the file ''.ssh.'' and Windows will remove the trailing period.
  * Grant the %%SSH%% server read permissions to the ''.ssh'' folder. As the Administrator, run: \\ ''%%icacls C:\users\username\.ssh /grant "NT Service\sshd:R" /T%%''   * Grant the %%SSH%% server read permissions to the ''.ssh'' folder. As the Administrator, run: \\ ''%%icacls C:\users\username\.ssh /grant "NT Service\sshd:R" /T%%''

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