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2022-02-19 2022-06-21
Restored revision 1641823558. Undoing revision 1645262559. (martin) (hidden) missing settings step (martin)
Line 8: Line 8:
  * On Windows 11: &win11   * On Windows 11: &win11
-    * Go to //Apps > Optional features// and click on //View features//.+    * Go to //Settings > Apps > Optional features// and click on //View features//.
    * Locate //"OpenSSH server"// feature, select it, click //Next//, and then click //Install//.     * Locate //"OpenSSH server"// feature, select it, click //Next//, and then click //Install//.
  * On Windows 10 (version 1803 and newer): &win10   * On Windows 10 (version 1803 and newer): &win10
-    * Go to //Apps > Apps & features > Optional features// and click on //Add a feature//. +    * Go to //Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Optional features// and click on //Add a feature//.
    * Locate //"OpenSSH server"// feature, expand it, and select //Install//.     * Locate //"OpenSSH server"// feature, expand it, and select //Install//.

Last modified: by martin – Currently locked by: