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2018-12-30 2019-03-12
Restored revision 1513856288. Undoing revision 1546103330. (martin) (hidden) Azure WebJob and Function (martin)
Line 39: Line 39:
    * [[guide_azure_ftps_server|Installing secure FTP server on Microsoft Azure using IIS]]     * [[guide_azure_ftps_server|Installing secure FTP server on Microsoft Azure using IIS]]
    * [[guide_microsoft_azure|Connecting securely to Microsoft Azure Service with SFTP or FTPS]]     * [[guide_microsoft_azure|Connecting securely to Microsoft Azure Service with SFTP or FTPS]]
 +    * [[guide_microsoft_azure_webjob_sftp|SFTP/FTPS file transfers in Microsoft Azure WebJob]]
 +    * [[guide_microsoft_azure_function_sftp|SFTP/FTPS file transfers in Microsoft Azure Function]]
  * [[guide_microsoft_onedrive|Connecting securely to Microsoft OneDrive with WebDAV]]   * [[guide_microsoft_onedrive|Connecting securely to Microsoft OneDrive with WebDAV]]
  * [[guide_digitalocean|Connecting securely to DigitalOcean Droplet with SFTP]]   * [[guide_digitalocean|Connecting securely to DigitalOcean Droplet with SFTP]]

Last modified: by martin