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history 2014-04-14 history 2025-03-13 20:23 (current)
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====== Recent Version History ====== ====== Recent Version History ======
-This is a list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also [[project_history|project history]].+This is a full list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also [[project_history|Project history]] and [[incompatible_changes|Incompatible changes between versions]].
-===== [[5.6]] 5.6 (not released yet) ===== +===== [[6.6]] 6.6 (not released yet) ((2025-03-06)) =====
-=== 2014-04-08 === +
-  * Prototype of WebDAV sessions. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. [[bug>160]] +
-  * Ongoing foreground transfer can be moved to background transfer queue. +
-  * Improved working with session URL: +
-    * When clipboard contains session URL, //Paste// command on a main window opens the session specified by the URL. When save extension is used, Save session as site dialog opens instead. [[bug>663]] +
-    * Added //Paste Session URL// command on Login dialog with ''Ctrl+V'' keyboard shortcut. +
-    * When session URL is typed into Host name box on Login dialog, it is parsed when the box loses keyboard focus. +
-    * New dialog for session URL generation. It also obsoletes previous //File > File Names > Copy URL to Clipboard// command. +
-  * Improved display of files sizes in panels: +
-    * Displaying file sizes in panels always in KB's by default. [[bug>1124]] +
-    * Applying file panel size format to //Transferred// indicator on queue list. [[bug>1124]] +
-    * Reverted to JEDEC size units (KB, MB, GB) instead of IEC units (KiB, MiB, GiB). [[bug>1123]] +
-  * Improved informing about updates: +
-    * Updates information dialog shows change list. +
-    * Pending updates information is optionally shown on startup. +
-    * Updates information balloon encourages to click it to display change list. +
-    * Toolbar button always checks for updates, instead of showing cached data, when available. +
-  * Change: When executing script file or script commands provided on command-line, default batch mode is ''abort'' and overwrite confirmations are turned off. +
-  * Support for long local paths. [[bug>821]] +
-  * Optionally opening new sessions in separate window by default. [[bug>1000]] +
-  * Command to auto-detect proxy for session settings. [[bug>1147]] +
-  * Hidden files are hidden by default. +
-  * When internal exception occurs, stack trace is included it into error message (and error report subsequently)+
-  * Replaced //Symbolic link// option when creating/editing list with //Hard link// option to avoid confusion when the option is disabled when hard links are not supported. +
-  * Not sizing message box buttons to width of the widest button. +
-  * With FTP protocol, transfer settings do not mention removing EOF mark, as this is not supported. +
-  * All top level windows (particularly when main window is not shown) have title icon, taskbar button and "WinSCP" suffix in title. +
-  * Separated hidden and filtered files indicator to separate status bar panels that can be clicked to show hidden files or modify filter respectively. +
-  * Site-specific transfer settings preset can be added from Login dialog. +
-  * Using continuous "Synchronizing" in Synchronize progress window title. +
-  * Automatically replacing forbidden slash in name of site imported from FileZilla. [[bug>1111]] +
-  * Updated hint for //Paste// command to indicate it can also paste path and session URL. +
-  * Command //Server/Protocol Information// modes to //Session// menu and session tab context menu. +
-  * Warning when trying to edit large files in an internal editor. [[bug>1120]] +
-  * After site import, selecting the first imported site in site tree on Login dialog. +
-  * Close buttons on progress windows cancel operation. +
-  * When collecting synchronization list for directory fails, allow skipping an error and continuing. [[bug>1132]] +
-  * Close session tab on middle mouse click. [[bug>1133]] +
-  * Using //Yes/////No// buttons on "Cancel ..." prompts instead of ambiguous //OK/////Cancel// buttons. +
-  * Translating common Linux-PAM keyboard-interactive "Password:" prompt. [[bug>1135]] +
-  * Detect and report that session is closed unexpectedly instead of reporting XML log reading error in .NET assembly. [[bug>1137]] +
-  * Showing queue status information balloons also when application in minimized. +
-  * Information-only notification balloons distinguish main information. +
-  * Distinguishing new version information on notification balloon and encouraging to click to see what is new. +
-  * Session option //Chokes on WinSCP's SSH-2 'winadj' requests// made configurable. [[bug>1139]] +
-  * Warning when starting configured transfer settings or synchronization options in script are not factory defaults. +
-  * Improved drive list updating: +
-    * Preventing stale network drives from slowing or completely halting main window opening. +
-    * Bug fix: CD/DVD label was not shown on Windows Vista and newer. +
-    * Bug fix: CD/DVD label was not updated when media was changed. +
-  * Showing background transfer queue list toolbar by default +
-  * Widening default Explorer interface window to fit all background transfer queue list columns. +
-  * Removed useless trailing accelerator appendixes from toolbar button labels (typical for East Asian languages). +
-  * Updated in-application command-line help page with missing parameters and to match online help page. +
-  * Indicating when reading directory with SFTP protocol takes long because of resolving symbolic links. [[bug>1149]] +
-  * Setup explains that application restart is needed to replace Drag&drop shell extension. [[bug>1150]] +
-  * Using "<none>" instead of "<root>" on Save session as site dialog to indicate that site is not stored in folder. +
-  * Bug fix: Not printing "Reading remote directory" while opening session, when directory is not actually read (in scripting particularly). +
-  * Bug fix: Not including ''@'' in logged masked URL when there is no username/password in the URL. +
-  * Bug fix: ''Session.SynchronizeDirectories'' could not be called via ''IDispatch''. [[bug>1136]] +
-  * Bug fix: Potential failure when resolving folder attributes for local folder tree display.+
-===== 5.5.3 ===== +··* MSI toolset updated to WiX 5
-=== 2014-04-14 === +  * Commands to copy paths to the clipboard on the Synchronization checklist window
-··* TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1g. It fixes [[http://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html#2014-0160|CVE-2014-0160]] vulnerability among other. [[bug>1151]] +  * Consistently calling command to open window with specific directory //Explore//, instead of sometimes //Browse//. 
-  * Auto-recognition of RSA padding bug for ProFTPD. [[bug>1091]] +  * Bug fix: Local file with invalid characters replaced could not be explorer from the Synchronization checklist window.
-  * On Windows XP, //Save As// button replaced with //Save// when editing site+
-  * Improvements for running under Wine: +
-    * Using Wine home (''Z:\home\%USERNAME%\'') as documents folder. +
-    * Hiding stub animation on Progress window on Wine. +
-   * Workaround for list view bug in Wine. [[http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35945|Wine Bug 35945]] +
- * Alternate delete on ''Shift-Click'' on //Delete// command in file context menu. [[bug>1154]] +
-  * Bug fix: Directory reading progress is not shown on taskbar button. [[bug>1148]] +
-  * Bug fix: Hint was popping up on file panel path label even when full path was visible whenever filter was active. +
-  * Bug fix: Site colors were lost on Login dialog after language change. +
-  * Bug fix: New site data were not reset after saving. +
-  * Bug fix: Server hostname is not verified against certificate common name (or subject alternative name). [[bug>1152]] +
-  * Bug fix: Help page was not defined for //Panels > Local page// of Preferences dialog.+
-===== 5.5.2 ===== +===== [[6.4.3]] 6.4.3 (not released yet) ((2025-03-13)) =====
-=== 2014-03-20 === +
-  * Cloning site without hostname when ''Enter'' key is pressed. [[bug>1115]] +
-  * Preventing "Message too long to send to external console" error. [[bug>1121]] +
-  * When listing local files during operation fails, including path into error message. [[bug>1131]] +
-· * [[library_install#nuget|NuGet package for .NET assembly]]. [[bug>1145]] +
-· * Bug fix: Prompt to import sites was not skipped during silent install. [[bug>1112]] +
-  * Bug fix: Transfer settings speed limit does not apply. [[bug>1114]] +
-  * Bug fix: Edited file is reloaded from active session, not from original session. [[bug>603]] +
-  * Bug fix: Caption of //New Site// node on Login dialog is not translated when language is changed. +
-  * Bug fix: Error on every even opening/editing of remote file while having //New and updated files only// option set as default. [[bug>1118]] +
-  * Bug fix: Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor above or to the left of primary monitor. [[bug>1119]] +
-  * Bug fix: In countries that changed timezone, file times before the change were set wrong for downloaded files. [[bug>1122]] +
-  * Bug fix: Incorrect handling of remote files ending with dot with FTP protocol. [[bug>1128]] +
-  * Bug fix: Speed limit of waiting background transfer shows incorrect value and cannot be changed. [[bug>1129]] +
-  * Bug fix: Selecting private key file with space in path yields error message when submitting Advanced Site Settings dialog. [[bug>1130]] +
-  * Bug fix: .NET assembly ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' is not included in COM event sink. [[bug>1134]] +
-  * Bug fix: When main window was restored from notification area while message box was displayed, main window could receive focus. +
-  * Bug fix: Notification balloons showing transfer configuration/error were showing ''**'' markup. +
-  * Bug fix: When minimized, message boxes were popping up on foreground. +
-  * Bug fix: Main menu accelerators are not working. [[bug>1143]] +
-  * Bug fix: Scaled-down version of 32x32 icon was used in task bar notification area instead of 16x16 icon. [[bug>1144]] +
-· * Bug fix: Failure when ending Windows session when main window is minimized. +
-  * Bug fix: Occasional failure when run from Session 0. [[bug>1146]] +
-  * Bug fix: Timeout while trying to resume upload with FTP protocol. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. +
-  * Bug fix: With FTP protocol //Set permissions// transfer setting was incorrectly enabled for synchronization in //Both// mode.+
-===== 5.5.1 ===== +··* Display and modify S3 file/object tags. [[bug&gt;2353]] 
-=== 2014-01-21 ==+  * Translations completed: Belarusian, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tamil and Traditional Chinese; updated: Norwegian, Slovak, Swedish and Turkish; and started: Georgian
-· * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1f. +  * SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&amp;url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.83]]. \\ It brings the following change: 
-  * Showing delayed Progress window before any message box is displayed + ···* Bug fix: crash in Pageant if an SSH connection is abandoned while waiting for a deferred decryption passphrase
-  * Usability improvements to new Login dialog: +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.3.3
- ···* Consistently using //Save// caption for save button, even for new sites+  * Allowed S3 connection with IAM roles on instances that require IMDSv2. [[bug>2351]] 
- ···* Using de-facto standard accelerator ''A'' for //Save As// command (also removes duplicity with //Save// command). +  * Remembering empty session password. [[bug>2352]] 
- ···* Explicit keyboard shortcut ''Alt+A'' for //Save As// command. [[bug>1006]] +  * Small GUI improvements. 
-   * When saving cloned site, offer folder and name (with unique suffix) of original site. [[bug>1105]] +  * Bug fix: Some parts of UI are not localized. [[bug>2346]] 
-   * Cloning to a new site when double-clicking site without host name specified. [[bug>;1100]] +  * Bug fix: //Columns > Reset layout// command does not reset width of by-default hidden columns. [[bug>2347]] 
-  * Selecting tab to the right after closing tab. [[bug>1102]] +  * Bug fix: Some translation file were duplicitously interpreted as another additional language
-  * When externally opening additional session in existing instance of WinSCP, bringing its window to front. [[bug&gt;1098]] +  * Bug fix: Unicode contents in web sources was incorrectly decoded 
-··* Using same accelerator for //Up__l__oad// and //Down__l__oad// commands +  * Bug fix: Intermediate translation ''.islu'' files were included in MSI installer
-· * Default transfer setting preset can be duplicated. +  * Bug fix: Monospace font is not remembered if SSH banners are administratively forced
- ·* Temporarily suspending countdown when moving mouse over message box with &quot;timeout" button. [[bug>1107]] +  * Change: Bug fix: In XML log, ''filename'' tag was included in ''stat'' tag, although explicitly documented not to.
-  * Showing name of folder being calculated on Progress window before the calculation starts, not only after it has finished+
-  * Widening default //Progress// column of background transfer queue list to fit "Connecting..." and "Calculating..." states+
-  * Bug fix: Progress window is not shown for custom command launching long-lasting external process. [[bug>1101]] +
-  * Bug fix: Swapped local and remote //Root directory// command buttons. [[bug>1097]] +
-  * Bug fix: Drag&amp;Drop menu on local panel loses focus when a change is detected in local drive. [[bug>1103]] +
-  * Bug fix: Duplicate accelerator between //Edit and Download// and //Delete// commands [[bug>1104]] and //Download// and //Delete//. +
-  * Bug fix: Repeated attempt to immediately start "Keeping remote directory up to date" when prompt to perform prior full synchronization is canceled with ''/keepuptodate /defaults''+
-  * Bug fix: Preferred main window size is lost after command-line operation. +
-  * Bug fix: Invalid decoding of session URL with sequence of encoded characters that includes ''+'' or ''%'' encoded character on second or later place in the sequence. [[bug>1108]] +
-  * Bug fix: Background transfer queue progress was shown on main window title, when a dialog box was opened on top of it+
-  * Bug fix: Some hint labels did not fit their caption, particularly with long translations. +
-  * Bug fix: Compare directory criterions do not save. [[bug>1110]]+
-//Users upgrading from [[history#5.1.8|WinSCP 5.1.8]]// can read more at [[announcement_winscp55|WinSCP 5.5 - What's New?]].+===== [[6.4.2]] 6.4.2 beta ((2025-01-27)) =====
-===== [[5.5]] 5.5 ===== +··* Synchronization actions can be pushed to background queue. [[bug>2318]] 
-=== 2013-12-19 === + * Ongoing local delete operation can be moved to a background queue (only on a remote tab, as local tabs do not have a queue). 
-  * Distinguishing main question/information of even more messages+· * Switching to //Segoe UI// font with slightly larger size (9) as recommended for Windows Vista and newer. All windows are now slightly larger accordingly and their layout was unified. 
-  * Detecting symbolic link loops when finding files. [[bug>1093]] +··* SSH core upgraded to pre-release snapshot of PuTTY 0.83 (2025-01-03.1e45199). It brings the following change: 
-  * Remembering //Synchronized browsing// state with site only when //Remember last used directory// is enabled. [[bug>963]] +    * Implement the post-quantum ML-KEM key encapsulation method. [[pbug>ml-kem]] 
-  * New installer icon+  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.82
-  * Visualizing instant operations (such as copying data to clipboard or creating a desktop shortcut) with hourglass mouse cursor+  * Command-line interface for installing public key into server. [[bug>2342]] 
-  * Showing full path to an INI file on Preferences dialog+  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.4.0. 
-  * Not allowing to switch from ''/ini=nul'' configuration storage to avoid data loss+  * Thumbnails for WebP images. [[bug>2336]] 
-  * Improved display of lists on Server and protocol information dialog+  * Change: Finding ''WinSCP.exe'' in a process path if a .NET assembly assembly path is unknown (before looking into an installation folder). [[bug>2339]] 
-  * Bug fix: During reconnect user was prompted with password even when password was remembered already+  * WebDAV/HTTP core upgraded to neon 0.34.0
-  * Bug fix: Option to remember password for session was not working for authentication of background transfers and separate shell sessions+  * Better error message when trying to open an inaccessible local drive (such as locked BitLocker drive). 
-  * Bug fix: Removing BOM on text mode FTP uploads was unconditional. [[bug>1096]]+  * ''%%https://%%'' URL to S3 API at ''oraclecloud.com'' is interpreted as S3 protocol, instead of WebDAV
 +  * AWS metadata service connection timeout is by default one second and ''AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_TIMEOUT'' is respected
 +  * Added new ''ap-southeast-7'' and ''mx-central-1'' AWS regions. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when trying to open an inaccessible drive from drive drop down menu
 +  * Bug fix: On Windows 11, //Windows 10// version was logged
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when opening path with duplicated backslash. [[bug>2330]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When moving an ongoing delete operation to background queue, it might attempt to delete the current file again, failing the operation. 
 +  * Bug fix: After system theme change panel context menus stop working. [[bug>2331]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to start synchronization in new window despite incompatible //Selected files only// option selected by ''Shift''-clicking the //OK// button. [[bug>1870]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening two SSH sessions at the same time. [[bug>2334]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Tunneled session password is not remembered. [[bug>2335]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to use a file not containing a private key as a client certificate file with WebDAV
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session.DebugLogPath'' cannot be set in single-file bundles. [[bug>2338]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Stray ''set'' command in source code package build script. [[bug>2340]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Duplicate shortcut key in local //Open directory// window for shared bookmarks. [[bug>710]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Source code package build script exits parent ''cmd'' console on error. [[bug>2341]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Command to //"Install public key into server"// was enabled, even when no hostname was specified
-//Users upgrading from [[history#5.1.8|WinSCP 5.1.8]]// can read more at [[announcement_winscp55|WinSCP 5.5 - What's New?]].+===== [[6.4.1]] 6.4.1 beta ((2024-11-21)) =====
-===== [[5.2.7]] 5.2.7 RC ===== +··* IDE upgraded to Embarcadero C++Builder 11. [[bug&gt;618]] 
-=== 2013-11-26 === +· * Change: Dropped support for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Minimal supported version is Windows 7. 
- ·* Support for proprietary SFTP extension ''statvfs@openssh.com'' to check disk space usage. + ·* Improvements to Synchronization checklist window: 
-  * Not requiring Windows nor Windows Explorer restart when new version uses the same or older version of Drag&amp;Drop shell extension than existing one+ ···* Command to find //Move// candidate. 
- ·* It's possible to Login/Open a site in PuTTY in a new window without closing Login dialog. [[bug>1086]] +····* //Move// command can be used with a set of orphaned files and new folder in source directory to create that directory on the target side and move the orphaned files there. 
-  * Using theme instruction font for message texts. +····* Added //Calculate All// command
-  * Listing new/empty site folders on Save session as site dialog. [[bug>1089]] + ···* Added a keyboard shortcut to //Calculate// command. 
-  * Increasing number of items shown in drop down lists of some combo boxes+   * //Move// command can be used with long local paths. 
-  * Consistently logging modification time and size of every transferred file+  * Compatibility with new OneDrive WebDAV interface. [[bug>2321]] 
-  * System error message is shown when changing local working directory fails in scripting. [[bug>1087]] +  * Optimized loading of file panels when switching between tabs with different filters. [[bug>2315]] 
-  * Added host name to some connection related error messages+  * Optimized browsing deep local directory trees. 
-  * Canceling site editing when the site is dragged+  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.3
-  * Allowing ''Enter'' and ''Esc'' keys on site list of folder/workspace view on Login dialog+  * Including PuTTY and OpenSSL versions in ''/info''. 
-  * Improved error messages related to drag&amp;drop shell extension+  * Added new ''ap-southeast-5'' AWS region
-  * Bug fix: Failure when closing Windows session. +  * Gracefully handling invalid Unicode characters FFFF and FFFE in filenames in .NET assembly. [[bug>2325]] 
-  * Bug fix: Environment variables were not expanded in site hostname and username in rare cases+  * Bug fix: Failure when system theme change is broadcasted in short order
-  * Bug fix: It was not possible to skip error listing local directory during operation. [[bug>1090]] +  * Bug fix: Browsing long paths was broken
-  * Bug fix: Some messages containing ''&amp;'' were shown incomplete+  * Bug fix: After leaving subdirectory, it is not scrolled into view in the parent directory
-  * Bug fix: FTPS upload over proxy truncates files. [[bug>1092]]+  * Bug fix: Long local panel location was lost after some file operations. 
 +··* Bug fix: Editor font was scaled twice on monitors with different DPI than the primary one
 +  * Bug fix: Option to switch to Location profiles was shown on Open directory dialog even when not possible, while session was disconnected
 +  * Bug fix: After delete operation is moved to background, some operations (notably editing) do not work anymore. [[bug>2319]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Shift+Ctrl+P'' keyboard shortcut on Login dialog to open site in PuTTY without closing the dialog does not work. [[bug>2320]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening TLS connection with invalid OpenSSL configuration file. [[bug&gt;2327]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Rare incorrect conversion of line endings when downloading. [[bug>2324]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when creating temporary files with temporary folder on locked drive. [[bug>2328]]
-===== [[5.2.6]] 5.2.6 beta ====+===== [[6.4]] 6.4 beta ((2024-09-19)) =====
-=== 2013-11-14 === +
-··* Improved [[integration_url|registration for URL protocols]]: +
-    * WinSCP registers itself with //Default Programs// control panel for protocol URLS ''%%sftp://%%'', ''%%scp://%%'', ''%%ftp://%%'' and ''%%ftps://%%'' on Windows Vista and newer. [[bug>50]] +
-    * WinSCP handles application specific protocol URLs ''%%winscp-sftp://%%'', ''%%winscp-scp://%%'', ''%%winscp-ftp://%%'' and ''%%winscp-ftps://%%''. +
-    * It is possible to remove protocol registration from Preferences. +
-    * It is possible to open //Default Programs// control panel for WinSCP from Preferences. +
-    * When registering machine-wide, current-user-specific registration that would shadow it is removed. +
-  * New icons for //Move to// and //Duplicate// commands and dialogs. +
-  * Keyboard shortcut to open site in PuTTY on Login dialog. [[bug>1079]] +
-  * When saving session opened from SFTP/SCP URL with host key fingerprint, the host key is saved to cache. +
-  * Improved distinguishing main question of master-password related message boxes. +
-  * Removed icon from //Quit// command in menus. +
-  * Not adding UTF-8 BOM to files edited in an Internal editor. [[bug>1081]] +
-  * For FTP sessions over implicit TLS/SSL, //Copy URL to Clipboard// command uses ''ftps:%%//%%'' protocol. +
-  * Support FTP servers that require TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection before responding ''1yz'' to ''STOR''/''APPE''. [[bug>1084]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting through SSH tunnel. [[bug>1076]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure on start when any site has proxy or tunnel password protected with master password. [[bug>1077]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting a session. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure during some operations in FTP over TLS/SSL session. [[bug>1078]] +
-  * Bug fix: When saving site from SFTP/SCP URL, the saved site was not pre-selected on the Login dialog, unless the URL contained host key fingerprint. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when selecting SSH private key. [[bug>1080]] +
-  * Bug fix: Time-based SSH key re-exchange does not work. [[bug>1082]] +
-  * Bug fix: Passwords are lost when any raw session settings is specified in scripting or command-line. [[bug>1083]]+
-===== [[5.2.5]] 5.2.5 beta ===== +··* Thumbnail view in file panels. [[bug&gt;912]] 
-=== 2013-10-24 === +  * Three selectable sizes of toolbar icons, showing slightly larger size by default. [[bug>2147]] 
-  * Distinguishing main question of a message box. [[bug>46]] +  * Optimized working with large local directories: [[bug>2264]] 
-  * Session can be opened in PuTTY from Login dialog. [[bug>190]] +    * Loading large directory trees in the background
-  * Improved working with session colors: +    * Hidden directory trees are loaded only in the background
-    * Better standard color set (16 less saturated colors)+    * Optimizing directory loading by checking existence of subfolders in the background
-    * Remembering recently used custom colors. +    * Optimized reading directories for file panel
-   * Drop down color selector on Advanced site settings dialog+    * Optimized browsing within directory tree with lots of subfolders
-    * Custom colors can be modified on standard Color dialog+  * Dark theme for session tabs. [[bug>1806]] 
-    * Option //Default// (color) renamed to //No Color//+  * Improvements to AWS/S3 authentication and configuration handling: 
-    * Bug fix: Color of a directory tree border was not updated in some cases+ ···* Allowed assuming IAM role. [[bug>2249]] 
-  * Change: Using UTF-8 for strings (such as file names) with SFTP protocol by default even for version 3 and lower. [[bug>1072]] + ···* Credential profiles in ''.aws/config'' file are also recognized. 
-  * Offering to upload edited/opened file using another session to the same site, if original session was closed. [[bug>1042]] + ···* Preferring configuration file defined using an environment variable over the default one
- ·* Support for FTP servers with Windows-like paths. [[bug&gt;1074]] + ···* Only profiles that contain both ''aws_access_key_id'' and ''aws_secret_access_key'' are listed on the Login dialog 
- ·* Option to create a site desktop shortcut on Save Session as Site dialog+ ···* Bug fix: The ''.aws/credentials'' file path was resolved using ''AWS_CONFIG_FILE'' environment variable instead of correct ''AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE''. 
- ·* Verifying TLS/SSL certificates against system Trusted Root Certification Authorities. [[bug&gt;1063]] +··* Incremental search improvements: 
-  * Command to clone site settings to a new site. [[bug&gt;1069]] + ···* Search panel pops up on ''Ctrl+F'' to make the function easier to find. [[bug>2281]] 
- ·* Automatically saving opened workspace. [[bug>1029]] + ···* Layout of search panel on Login dialog improved
- ·* Not showing Progress window for operations shorter than 200ms+ ···* Search options context menu added to the search panel on Login dialog. 
- ·* Change: Removing BOM/EOF marks on text mode uploads is configurable and disabled by default. [[bug>842]] +  * Remembering panel scroll position when switching tabs or refreshing. [[bug>1057]] 
-  * Showing total progress for non-recursive transfers even when //Calculate total size// transfer settings is turned off. [[bug&gt;1040]] +  * Search for Preferences options. 
-  * Support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange with SHA-256. [[bug>1067]] +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.3.2. 
-  * SSH core upgraded to [[&amp;url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.63]] and further to [[&amp;url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot]] (2013-10-09, r10049). It brings following changes: +  * Site import from an INI file. [[bug>2290]] 
-   * SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED in response to SSH_MSG_KEXINIT is ignored. [[pbug>kexinit-unimplemented]] +  * Preserve timestamp when duplicating remote file using SFTP extension ''copy-data'' (OpenSSH). [[bug&gt;2307]] 
- ···* Support for HMAC-SHA-256 as an SSH-2 MAC algorithm (hmac-sha2-256). +· * Changing caret position on the first click on an inactive editor window. [[bug>2304]] 
-   * Bug fix: If the host key isn't saved, rekeys cause another warning. [[pbug>hostkey-rekey]] + ·* Change: Limiting SFTP version to 3 with non-well-known SFTP servers as a workaround for interoperability issues. [[bug>2247]] 
- ···* Many other small bug fixes+ ·* Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.3.1
-  * New Site icon on Login dialog and Session tabs+  * In icons view, files are rearranged automatically when the panel is resized
-  * New Open Directory/Location profiles dialog icons. +  * Explorer interface view style toolbar button now shows icon for the current style, instead of the next style. 
-  * Command to delete all completed queue items+ ·* Fallback to nonresumable transfer when temporary target file cannot be created. [[bug>2277]] 
-  * Improvements to session URL syntax: +  * Optionally disabled smooth scrolling in an internal editor. [[bug>128]] 
- ···* Support for SSH host key fingerprint specification in session URL using connection parameter ''fingerprint'' defined by draft-ietf-secsh-scp-sftp-ssh-uri. [[bug>93]] +  * Prevented redrawing scrollbars when loading remote directory tree. [[bug>2313]] 
-   * URL session parameter ''save'' to initiate site saving. +  * Open window maximized when closed while minimized from maximized state. [[bug&gt;2305]] 
-····* Change: Symbol '';'' has special meaning in session URL (due to the above changes) and has to be URL-encoded when used as a literal. +  * Compatibility with FTP servers that return an empty path in root. [[bug>2300]] 
-    * Change: UTF-8 encoded characters in session URL are supported. [[bug>1062]] +  * Ignoring WebDAV ''PROPFIND'' result entries that do not belong to the requested directory. [[bug&gt;2312]] 
-  * Detecting Drag&drop shell extension on 64-bit systems. [[bug>20]] +  * Optionally following ''NoViewOnDrive'' policy. [[bug>2310]] 
-  * Logging warning when system option //Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time// is disabled. +  * Recognizing matching Azure certificate files. [[bug>2311]] 
-  * Bringing an application into foreground, when opening session from commandline and/or from jump link in existing WinSCP instance. +  * Logging can be enabled for installer subtasks. 
-· * More command and dialog icons. +  * Limited SFTP upload queue length to avoid networking congestion
-··* Showing window and application name on Internal editor window caption. +  * Updated to JCL library 2.8 commit 6380ce72
-··* Improved layout of message boxes. +  * //Columns// menu in Explorer interface is enabled only in //Details// view
-  * Showing tree lines on site tree on Login dialog. +  * With ''/rawconfig'', session is never opened in an existing instance
-  * Tolerating invalid local file timestamps. [[bug>1064]] +  * Not including useless OpenSSL states in error reporting
-  * Pattern ''!U'' in Custom command and PuTTY path works even with password entered only during authentication. +  * Bug fix: Possibility that files in root folder were incorrectly used
-  * Do not include information about inability to test, if server IP address is routable, into error messages. +  * Bug fix: Failure when system theme is changed at the same time directory change is detected. [[bug>2286]] 
-··* Warning that editing is in progress when double-clicking edited site on Login dialog. +  * Bug fix: Tree indentation does not scale correctly. [[bug>2288]] 
-··* Drop down menu is never narrower than its button. +  * Bug fix: It was possible to start renaming a site by double-clicking its node while editing the site
-  * Not allowing operations on focused-only file, when focus is not visible (application does not have focus). [[bug>1050]] +  * Bug fix: Cannot download from WebDAV server when the request is redirected to the same path on another server. [[bug>2293]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure to run WinSCP or open session with .NET assembly after frequent scheduled use. [[bug>996]] +  * Bug fix: Overlay images were not drawn in icons view when //Name// column in //Details// view was too narrow
-  * Bug fix: Up to one second delay for transfer of every file with FTP over TLS/SSL. [[bug>1058]] +  * Bug fix: Some Unicode texts, notably custom command names, were saved incorrectly in an INI file. [[bug>2301]] 
-  * Bug fix: Rare incorrect conversion of line endings. [[bug>1059]] +  * Bug fix: Caption of permissions group labels disappears when hovered over on Windows 11.
-  * Bug fix: Timestamps of local files are not shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 2008 R2. [[bug>1060]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when validating/executing custom command ending with ''!'' pattern+
-  * Bug fix: File name was not shown on Progress window when deleting local files+
-  * Bug fix: Stray folders on initially inactive page of Location profiles dialog. [[bug>1094]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when excessive session timeout or keepalive interval is configured. [[bug>1065]] +
-  * Bug fix: Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor. [[bug>1066]] +
-  * Bug fix: When saving new site with the same generated name as an existing saved site, an overwrite configuration was not requested+
-  * Bug fix: Error when downloading empty file/directory using FTPS via proxy. [[bug>1068]] +
-  * Bug fix: Wrong icon for //Enable Queue Processing// command. +
-  * Bug fix: //Suspend All// and //Resume all// queue commands were not working unless any queue item had focus. +
-  * Bug fix: It was not possible to drag a site to a root folder on Login dialog.  +
-  * Bug fix: Wrong check for presence of GSSAPI/SSPI on Advanced Site Settings dialog+
-  * Bug fix: When remote directory was not opened using directory tree, a node of the opened directory was not expanded+
-  * Bug fix: Local custom commands working with both local and remote files were disabled when file in passive panel was focused only (not selected). [[bug>1071]] +
-  * Bug fix: Size of externally removed local selected files is detracted twice from total file size of selected files shown on status bar. [[bug>1073]] +
-  * Bug fix: When some of master-password protected passwords became undecryptable, //Sites// and //Workspaces// menus could not be opened.+
-===== [[5.2.4]] 5.2.4 beta ===== +===== [[6.3.7]] 6.3.7 ((2025-02-20)) =====
-=== 2013-09-16 === +
-  * Improved and fixes for large font/high DPI environments: +
-    * Windows and panel size configuration (including default configuration) scales with DPI. +
-    * Using native "Segoe UI" dialog font in Windows Vista and later. +
-    * Changing Internal editor and Console window font to "Lucida Console" (Windows 7 and older) or "Consolas" (Windows 8 and newer). +
-    * Using icon font for file panels/lists, directory trees, path labels, status bars, message boxes and other controls throughout the application. +
-    * Saving preferred editor font in points, rather than pixels. +
-    * File panels respond to changes of system icon font. +
-    * Using native scaling even for scales above 120%/125 DPI. +
-    * Using Windows native scalable mouse cursors for splitters. +
-    * Bug fix: Path labels on Commander interface were using different font than the rest of the window. +
-    * Bug fix: Status bars on some windows did not resize for large fonts. +
-    * Bug fix: Some images were not centered. +
-    * Bug fix: Many dialogs were incorrectly resized for large fonts. +
-  * Redesigning message boxes after Windows task dialogs. +
-  * Reusing TLS/SSL session ID is configurable. +
-  * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. [[bug>1039]] +
-  * Not allowing operations on focused-only file, when focus is not visible (panel does not have focus). [[bug>1050]] +
-  * Aligning file information on Overwrite confirmation dialog. [[bug>1049]] +
-  * Improved placement and effects of drop down menus. +
-  * Showing //Proxy settings// box on Advanced Site Settings dialog for SFTP/SCP protocols only. +
-  * Empty queue notification can be clicked to restore/activate application, respective session and transfer queue list +
-  * Showing file name in error message when deleting of auxiliary local files fails. +
-  * Configuration is saved after submitting Preferences dialog (this among other warns user when configuration storage is not writable). [[bug>667]] +
-  * Opening update information, when clicking update notification balloon. [[bug>1047]] +
-  * Widening default //Changed// columns width to accommodate AM/PM suffixes. +
-  * Hiding //Group// column by default also in Explorer interface. +
-  * Not asking for exit confirmation when Windows session is closing. +
-  * Reporting connection errors on FTP transfer failure. +
-  * Do not include confusing FTP server's intermediate and success responses into error messages. +
-  * ''Ctrl+Space'' shortcut for toggling selection of focused file works in Commander-style selection mode. +
-  * Message box width is limited. +
-  * Widened some forms and controls to make space for translation into languages with longer words, such as German. +
-  * Reduced chance of collision in .NET assembly session instance name in multi-threaded applications. [[bug>1055]] +
-  * Allowing button selection using ''Left''/''Right'' keys on message boxes with drop down menus. [[bug>1054]] +
-  * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1039]] [[pbug>vuln-modmul]] [[pbug>vuln-bignum-division-by-zero]] [[pbug>private-key-not-wiped]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when opening the first session with //Automatically open new session in PuTTY// enabled. [[bug>1037]] +
-  * Bug fix: Login dialog got corrupted when changing language on systems with Windows XP style font scaling enabled. Worked-around by disabling runtime language change on such systems. [[bug>1038]] +
-  * Bug fix: Dialog boxes were incorrectly considered as submitted when Windows session was closing, causing failures or validation errors, preventing the Windows session from actually closing. +
-  * Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error "The system cannot find the file specified" was shown instead of the actual cause. +
-  * Bug fix: Console input/output was not using UTF-8 encoding on Windows 8. +
-  * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted when TLS/SSL certificate uses ASN.1 GeneralizedTime format. [[bug>1044]] +
-  * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted without any feedback when TLS/SSL  certificate cannot be decoded. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when send buffer of FTP connection is temporarily full. +
-  * Bug fix: External changes to local directory are sometimes not shown on the local panel. +
-  * Bug fix: WinSCP child process was not terminated when process using WinSCP .NET assembly crashed. [[bug>1045]] +
-  * Bug fix: //Edit// toolbar buttons were not disabled when only directories were selected. +
-  * Bug fix: When changing configuration storage failed (such as when an INI file could not be removed), storage state on Preferences dialog is not rolled back and some of the other changes to preferences were lost. +
-··* Bug fix: For various errors when cleaning up application configuration, a resource number was shown instead of an actual error message. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure while (or after) creating directory during synchronized browsing. [[bug>1046]] +
-  * Bug fix: Context menu was popping up after new session was opened when New Session tab was right-clicked. +
-  * Bug fix: Notification about empty transfer queue was not shown. +
-  * Bug fix: Wrong detection of Windows Server 2008 R2 for purposes of timestamp conversion in respect to DST. +
-  * Bug fix: Directory listing was included in transfer error messages with FTP protocol. +
-  * Bug fix: Directory masks in autoselection rule of transfer settings preset were not working. +
-  * Bug fix: "Never show again" checkbox on information only messages boxes was wrongly labeled "Never ask again". +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when manipulating location profiles folders. [[bug>1052]] +
-  * Bug fix: //Allow SCP fallback// session option was not preserved. [[bug>1053]] +
-  * Bug fix: Hostname and Username masks in autoselection rule of transfer settings preset were not working.+
-===== [[5.2.3]] 5.2.3 beta  ===== +··* Translation completed: Belarusian. 
-=== 2013-08-12 === +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.4
-··* Convenience and robustness improvements for working with master password: [[bug>1023]] + ·* Back-propagated fixes and improvements from upcoming 6.4.2 beta release: 
-   * Avoiding repetitive master password prompts, when editing site. +    * Added new ''ap-southeast-7'' and ''mx-central-1'' AWS regions
-····* Detect and warn when trying to set/clear master password while another instance of WinSCP is running. + ···* Bug fix: Failure when opening two SSH sessions at the same time. [[bug>2334]] 
-····* Saving configuration, including master password, immediately after setting/clearing one+ ···* Bug fix: Tunneled session password is not remembered. [[bug>2335]] 
- ···* Not prompting for master password for read-only site view. + ···* Bug fix: Stray ''set'' command in source code package build script. [[bug>2340]] 
-   * Hiding an actual password length from read-only site view. + ···* Bug fix: Source code package build script exits parent ''cmd'' console on error. [[bug>2341]]
-    * When setting/changing/clearing master password, collecting errors while recrypting passwords individually, not to abort whole process on a single error. +
-   * Gracefully handling stray encrypted passwords, when master password is actually not enabled or different. +
-    * Feedback and repeated prompt on incorrectly entered master password in scripting mode. +
-··* Synchronization preview in scripting. [[bug&gt;885]] +
-  * Showing number of active and pending transfers on queue label. [[bug>1031]] +
-  * Configurable minimal and maximal supported TLS/SSL version. +
-  * Information about TLS/SSL version and cipher used in available on Server and protocol information dialog and main window status bar. +
-  * ''Ctrl+W'' shortcut for closing tab (session). [[bug>1035]] +
-  * Bug fix: Local directory box was missing on Advanced Site Settings dialog. +
-  * Bug fix: Redundant reading of directory contents before file download when ''MLSD'' is in use. [[bug>1021]] +
- ·* Bug fix: Incorrect encryption of passwords protected with master password, potentially leading to loss of stored passwords. [[bug>1022]] +
- ·* Bug fix: When adding password to existing site, new password can possibly be unprotected with master password. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when starting with default session settings having a password set protected with master password. +
-  * Bug fix: Not allowing search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters. [[bug>1025]] +
- ·* Bug fix: Pending queued transfers were omitted from queue status display on taskbar button. [[bug>1030]] +
-  * Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. [[bug>1032]] +
- ·* Bug fix: Failure when using context menu of disconnected session tab. [[bug>1033]] +
- * Bug fix: Failure when right-clicking empty area on site tree. [[bug>1036]]+
-===== [[5.2.2]] 5.2.2 beta ====+===== [[6.3.6]] 6.3.6 ((2024-11-25)) =====
-=== 2013-07-18 === +
-··* Simplified [[ui_login|Login dialog]]: +
-    * Both site tree and basic session controls are visible at the same time. +
-    * Login dialog is resizable. [[bug>378]] +
-    * Modal editing of sites. +
-    * Advanced session controls moved to a separate dialog Advanced Site Settings dialog. +
-    * Context menu for site tree. +
-    * Site name and path are specified separately when saving site. +
-    * Separate entry for //New Site// in site tree. +
-    * Global settings such as //Interface// and //Logging// removed from Login dialog. +
-    * Language selection moved from //Languages// button of Login dialog to //Languages// page of Preferences dialog. +
-    * Display of sessions in workspace. +
-    * SSH //Private key file// box moved to //SSH tab// of Advanced Site Settings dialog. +
-  * Performance improvement. [[bug>1141]] +
-  * Custom command pattern ''!`command`'' that expands to output of local command. +
-  * Subset of custom command patterns can be used in PuTTY path, including ''!/'', ''!@'', ''!U'', ''!P'', ''!?prompt?!'' and ''!`command`''. This among other allows opening PuTTY in the same directory as current WinSCP working directory [[bug>326]]; or using different SSH client, such as KiTTY [[bug>966]]. +
-  * Buttons that open drop down menu are marked with an arrow. +
-  * New icons for Console, Find and Synchronization Checklist windows. +
-  * Session settings can be exported also to KiTTY, when opening session in PuTTY/KiTTY. +
-  * Configurable registry key for exporting sessions to PuTTY(-like) clients. [[bug>1006]] +
-  * Suppressing critical error popups. [[bug>1007]] +
-  * New shell icons for site, site folder and workspace. +
-  * Relevant help is available for more error messages. +
-  * Renamed Login and Preferences dialogs' "tabs" to "pages". +
-  * Help border button is available on message boxes. +
-  * Prompt answers //Yes to All/No to All// moved closer to the primary //Yes/No// answers. +
-  * Internal error message boxes feature //Report// button to directly report the error on support forum. +
-  * Allowing filtering subdirectories. [[bug>1018]] +
-  * Event ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' is always raised when file transfer completes. +
-  * Bug fix: Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window. [[bug>1004]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when reading file into internal editor. [[bug>1005]] +
-  * Bug fix: Fragments in Help links were not working. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when disposing ''Session'' of .NET assembly. [[bug>1008]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when pressing ''Shift'' key in console prompt with ''winscp.com''. [[bug>1009]] +
-  * Bug fix: Constant CPU usage when queue is empty. [[bug>1013]] +
-  * Bug fix: Missing labels for some answers in scripting (such as //Yes to All/////No to All// on overwrite confirmation prompt). +
-  * Bug fix: Option //Support for listing if hidden files// is not working. [[bug>1015]] +
-  * Bug fix: Cannot open context menu on another list or tree entry or different view location, while another context menu of the same view is already opened. +
-  * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fix from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1017]] [[pbug>vuln-signature-stringlen]] +
-  * Bug fix: Mismatched warnings about accepting any SSH host key and TLS/SSL certificate respectively. +
-  * Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol.+
 +  * Back-propagated improvements and fixes from 6.4.1 beta and 6.4.2 beta releases:
 +    * Compatibility with new OneDrive WebDAV interface. [[bug>2321]]
 +    * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.3.
 +    * Added new ''ap-southeast-5'' AWS region.
 +    * Bug fix: After delete operation is moved to background, some operations (notably editing) do not work anymore. [[bug>2319]]
 +    * Bug fix: ''Shift+Ctrl+P'' keyboard shortcut on Login dialog to open site in PuTTY without closing the dialog does not work. [[bug>2320]]
 +    * Bug fix: Hang when trying to open an inaccessible drive from drive drop down menu.
 +  * Translations completed: Danish, and updated: Belarusian.
-===== [[5.2.1]] 5.2.1 beta ===== +===== [[6.3.5]] 6.3.5 ((2024-09-10)) =====
-=== 2013-05-08 === +
-  * Not showing disconnect error message before reconnecting inactive session to upload edited file. +
-  * Renamed WinSCP .NET assembly to ''winscpnet.dll'' to avoid conflicts with ''winscp.exe''. [[bug>945]] +
-· * Command //Clear caches// clears also cache of separate shell session. +
-··* Change: Not trying to kill WinSCP process from .NET assembly ''Session'' finalizer. +
-  * Calculating hot track color of path label to be in contrast with background. [[bug>992]] +
-  * Simplifying [[ui_overwrite|overwrite confirmation]] prompt: [[bug>993]] +
-    * Grouping advanced commands to drop down menu under button with related common command. +
-    * Added thousands separators to sizes. +
-  * Offering to remember password for duration of session on [[ui_authenticate#password|password prompt]] (when settings //Remember password for duration of session// is turned off). [[bug>610]] +
-  * File sizes on [[ui_synchronize_checklist|Synchronization Checklist]] and [[ui_find|Find]] dialogs are optionally shown using short format. Use //Show files sizes in short format// checkbox in the //[[ui_pref_panels|Panels]] page// on the Preferences dialog to control this feature. +
-  * Changing default tabulator size to 8. +
-  * Swapped order of //Use MLSD command for directory listing// and //Support for listing of hidden files// FTP session options. Also disabling the latter unless the first is set to //Off//. +
-  * Not allowing //Timezone offset// session setting with FTP protocol, while ''MLSD'' listing command is used. +
-  * Not opening session from jumplist in existing instance, if it is showing error. +
-  * Logging parsed directory listing on //Normal// logging level (previously on //Debug 1// level). +
-  * Moved option to remember session password from //Background// to //[[ui_pref_security|Security]] page// of Preferences dialog. +
-  * Cached SSH host keys are imported by default. +
-  * Bug fix: It was not possible to pass sequence of consecutive delimiters when skipping to the next "word" in path input boxes. +
-  * Bug fix: Opened/Closed folder icons on Location profile dialog were swapped. +
-  * Bug fix: Build script was not working on 64-bit. +
-  * Bug fix: Build script was calling non-existing target ''clean''. +
-· * Bug fix: Taskbar button does not flash, when message pops up, while WinSCP is on background. [[bug>988]] +
-  * Bug fix: Custom command pattern ''!/'' had incorrect value when executed on existing separate shell session just after directory change. [[bug>989]] +
-  * Bug fix: Wrong background of path labels with disabled themes. [[bug>990]] +
-  * Bug fix: Cannot import FileZilla sites in folders. [[bug>994]] +
-  * Bug fix: FileZilla site logon type is not imported. [[bug>995]] +
-  * Bug fix: Installer was asking for name of program menu folder, although no folder is created anymore. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled. [[bug>997]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when using mouse wheel with mouse cursor outside of WinSCP window. [[bug>998]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP password prompt. +
-  * Bug fix: When //Change stored password to this one// option is checked on password prompt, password is not updated for current session. +
-  * Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload. [[bug>999]] +
-  * Bug fix: IP address range ''172.16''-''172.31'' was not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode. [[bug>1001]] +
-  * Bug fix: Opening session in PuTTY does not work. [[bug>1002]]+
-===== [[5.2]] 5.2 beta ===== +··* TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.3
-=== 2013-04-07 === +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.3
-··* New toolbar icons and 16x16 icon. [[bug>290]] +  * Better error message when server is using incompatible TLS protocol version. [[bug>2299]] 
-  * [[workspace|Workspace]] can be saved. [[bug>776]] +  * Translations updated: Belarusian and Finnish
-  * Using term //Site// instead of //Stored session//. +  * Bug fix: Incorrect //&quot;Credentials were not specified&quot;// error when authentication fails due to incorrect password with FTP protocol. [[bug>2302]] 
-  * [[ui_import|Sites import]] from Filezilla. [[bug>61]] +  * Bug fix: Stall when switching from //S3// to other protocol on Login dialog on some networks. [[bug>2309]]
-  * When upgrading, setup offers to restart Windows Explorer (or other applications), when drag&drop shell extension needs to be updated. [[bug>686]] +
-  * While installing, setup offers sites import from PuTTY or Filezilla. +
-  * Command to Import/restore configuration from INI file+
-  * On first edit, offers configuration of user's custom text editor as default editor. +
-  * Simplified [[ui_copy|Transfer options]] dialog: +
-    * The dialog is shown only on the first transfer, when using drag&drop, unless user explicitly opts to show it the next time. +
-    * Moved the //New and updated files only// option to Transfer settings. +
-    * Moved the //Do not show this dialog box again// checkbox below buttons+
-   * Hiding //Transfer each file individually// when not applicable. +
- ···* Icon to distinguish Copy/Move operation. +
-    * //Do not show this dialog box again// implies saving transfer settings +
-  * Improved working with [[transfer_settings|transfer settings]] and presets: +
-    * Not showing default Text mode file mask in //Transfer settings// box. +
-    * Showing even default Binary Transfer type in //Transfer settings// box. +
-    * Removed "Exclude temporaries" transfer settings preset. +
-    * Added "Newer and updates files only" transfer settings preset. +
-    * Reorganized //Transfer settings// drop down menu, including new //Presets// header. +
-    * Hiding unusable presets from //Transfer settings// drop down menu. +
-    * Merged configuration of default transfer settings and transfer settings presets. +
-  * Improved user interface: +
-    * Using "Download" and "Upload" commands to distinguish copying to local and remote directories respectively. +
-    * Using "Download and Delete" and "Upload and Delete" commands instead of "Move" to distinguish moving files to local and remote directories respectively. +
-    * Optionally keeping completed transfers in queue list for configurable period of time. [[bug>584]] +
-    * Replaced file operation toolbar, bottom hot key bar and upload/download toolbar with specialized local and remote file toolbars to allow manipulating local/remote files using mouse, without need to change panel focus (Commander interface only). +
-    * Improved incremental search for sites on Login dialog: [[bug>984]] +
-      * Text is searched anywhere in the site name, not only at the beginning. +
-      * Next/previous matching sites can be searched for. +
-      * Search text is shown below site list. +
-    * Displaying queue status on taskbar button. [[bug>151]] +
-    * Replaced Selection toolbar with specialized local and remote Selection toolbars (Commander interface only). +
-    * Added label to the most important toolbar buttons. They can be optionally hidden including already existing labels like Command-line label (Commander interface), Address label (Explorer interface) and New session tab label. +
-    * Moved //Commands// toolbar of Commander interface first. +
-    * Find files command moved from Commands toolbar to Remote Navigation toolbar and is now available regardless of focused panel. +
-    * Renamed //Add to Bookmarks// command to [[task_navigate#bookmarks|Add Path to Bookmarks]]. +
-    * Removed //Close// toolbar button from Editor and Log windows. +
-    * //Session// menu and toolbar reorganized. +
-    * Increased height of path labels (Commander interface only). +
-    * Single-file queue transfers occupy only single line in background transfer queue list. +
-    * Increased height of background transfer queue list row. +
-    * User interface icons are shown also in Setup. +
-    * Turned off automatic stretching of Transfer settings toolbar. +
-    * Column //Attr// is hidden by default on local panel. +
-    * Default (installation) width of the Commander interface is larger, if the screen resolution allows it. +
-    * Added //Download// and //Download and Delete// buttons on //Commands// toolbar of Explorer interface. +
-    * Moved //Panels// node on [[ui_preferences|Preferences]] dialog to the top-level to reduce nesting. +
-    * Horizontal line above file background transfer queue list splitter to highlight its presence. +
-    * Disabling whole //Once Empty// submenu, when queue is empty. +
-   * Using own context menu for local files (similar to existing context menu for remote files) by default. [[bug>163]] +
-    * First column in Editor list in preferences is editor name. +
-    * Icons are no longer dimmed with Office XP theme. +
-    * Tab with disconnected session is greyed.  +
-    * Removed //SSH Protocol version// from Site tooltip. +
-    * When file cannot be loaded using selected encoding in Internal editor, error is shown. On error loading default encoding, attempts to load using another encoding. [[bug>971]] +
-    * On main window views without focus respond to mouse wheel. [[bug>846]] +
-  * Whole site folder can be opened at once. [[bug>424]] +
-  * Change: Session from commandline and/or from jump list is opened by default using existing WinSCP instance. [[bug>769]] +
-  * Transfer resume support can be controlled in scripting (''-resumesupport'' switch of file transfer commands) and .NET assembly (''TransferOptions.ResumeSupport'' property). [[bug>834]] +
-  * Transfer progress feedback using ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' event. [[bug>818]] +
-  * For special cases, it is possible to accept any SSH host key or any TLS/SSL certificate (with warning) using ''-hostkey=*'' in scripting and ''SessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey'' or ''SessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey'' in .NET assembly. [[bug>815]] +
-  * //Site Manager// command. [[bug&gt;855]] +
- * Writing INI file to user's profile, if program path is not writable. [[bug&gt;817]] +
-  * Any mouse or keyboard input cancels or resets reconnect countdown. +
-  * Increased default reconnect interval for idle sessions to 9 seconds. +
-  * Additional ''F5'' shortcut to reload file in internal editor. [[bug>986]] +
-  * Reconnect interval for idle sessions can be configured independently. +
-  * Only shortcut to WinSCP itself is created in Start menu. [[bug>616]] +
-  * In Commander interface, the keyboard shortcuts F3 and F5 can optionally have the same meaning as in Windows Explorer (//Find File// and //Refresh//). +
-  * Changing session port number on Login dialog to well know port, updates protocol automatically. +
-  * Reporting an error when reading of local directory fails during operation. [[bug>952]] +
-  * Retrospectively logging previous script records when session is starting. +
-  * When SFTP connection is rejected, knock FTP port. If open suggest using FTP protocol. +
-  * Desktop shortcut to open site folder can be created. +
-  * Dropped support for Windows 2000. Minimal supported version is Windows XP. +
-  * Using GiB scale for large file sizes. [[bug>913]] +
-  * Option to reconnect disconnected non-active session, when saving file opened from that session. [[bug>917]] +
-  * Use of ''MLSD'' FTP command is configurable. [[bug>927]] +
-  * Printing transfer progress for small files in bytes in scripting. [[bug>964]] +
-  * Before opening session using command-line parameter in scripting, warning is printed, that this is deprecated function. +
-  * Allowing host key import for SSH protocols only. +
-  * Export to INI file moved from Preferences to Login dialog. +
-  * Added larger values to initial offer of speed limits. [[bug>987]] +
-  * New ''!P'' pattern to include process ID into session log path. +
-  * Logging file timestamps when transferring using SFTP protocol+
-  * Workaround for FTP servers that do not acknowledge file transfer. [[bug>976]] +
-  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''synchronize'' sometimes did not announce that there is nothing to synchronize. +
-  * Bug fix: First Authenticate log entry was trimmed temporarily. +
-  * Bug fix: Separators on toolbars were showing "E" hint. +
-  * Bug fix: Incorrect file icon overlay positioning. +
-  * Bug fix: Not drawing own shortcut overlay over shortcut icons. +
-  * Bug fix: Records on Authentication window were temporarily truncated. +
-  * Bug fix: Selection on file panel was not visually updated when panel received/lost focus. +
-  * Bug fix: Panel path label was not deactivated when focus moved from directory tree to file transfer queue. +
-  * Bug fix: //Download// command was not highlighted as default in remote directory context menu when //Operation to perform on double-click// was set to //Copy//. +
-  * Bug fix: Text mode transfers should not be resumed FTP protocol. [[bug>965]] +
-  * Bug fix: No error is shown in Internal editor, when file cannot be loaded using selected encoding. [[bug>971]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when disposing ''Session'' of .NET assembly in process running with restricted privileges. +
-  * Bug fix: ''open'' command record in logs with masked-out password did not contain the command name. +
-  * Bug fix: Pointless attempt to update source file timestamp, when uploading with FTP protocol. +
-  * Bug fix: Preserve timestamp checkbox was not available for uploads with FTP protocol. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when server does not acknowledge file upload with FTP protocol. [[bug>982]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory. [[bug>983]] +
-  * Bug fix: When user cancels connection, authentication window is not closed.+
-===== 5.1.8  ===== +===== [[6.3.4]] 6.3.4 ((2024-06-17)) =====
-=== 2013-12-04 === +
-  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2.4 beta - 5.2.7 RC releases: +
-    * Logging warning when system option //Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time// is disabled. +
-    * Reduced chance of collision in .NET assembly session instance name in multi-threaded applications. [[bug>1055]] +
-    * Bug fix: Console input/output was not using UTF-8 encoding on Windows 8. +
-    * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted when TLS/SSL certificate uses ASN.1 GeneralizedTime format. [[bug>1044]] +
-    * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted without any feedback when TLS/SSL certificate cannot be decoded. +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when send buffer of FTP connection is temporarily full. +
- ···* Bug fix: External changes to local directory are sometimes not shown on the local panel. +
-····* Bug fix: WinSCP child process was not terminated when process using WinSCP .NET assembly crashed. [[bug>1045]] +
-    * Bug fix: For various errors when cleaning up application configuration, a resource number was shown instead of an actual error message. +
-    * Bug fix: Directory listing was included in transfer error messages with FTP protocol. +
-    * Bug fix: Failure while (or after) creating directory during synchronized browsing. [[bug>1046]] +
-    * Bug fix: Directory masks in autoselection rule of transfer settings preset were not working. +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when manipulating location profiles folders. [[bug>1052]] +
-    * Bug fix: Up to one second delay for transfer of every file with FTP over TLS/SSL. [[bug>1058]] +
-    * Bug fix: Rare incorrect conversion of line endings. [[bug>1059]] +
-    * Bug fix: Timestamps of local files are not shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 2008 R2. [[bug>1060]] +
-    * Bug fix: File name was not shown on Progress window when deleting local files. +
-    * Bug fix: Error when downloading empty file/directory using FTPS via proxy. [[bug>1068]] +
-    * Bug fix: //Suspend All// and //Resume all// queue commands were not working unless any queue item had focus. +
-    * Bug fix: Color of a directory tree border was not updated in some cases. +
-    * Bug fix: Size of externally removed local selected files is detracted twice from total file size of selected files shown on status bar. [[bug>1073]] +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting a session. +
-    * Bug fix: FTPS upload over proxy truncates files. [[bug>1092]]+
-===== [[5.1.7]] 5.1.7 (hotfix) ===== +··* TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.2. 
-=== 2013-08-14 === +  * Translations updated: Belarusian, Danish and Russian
-··* Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2.3 beta and 5.2.4 beta releases: + ·* Standalone executable installer can run over corrupted MSI installation. [[bug>2294]] 
- ···* Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. [[bug>1039]] +  * Support for up-to 16KB WebDAV cookies. [[bug>2289]] 
- ···* Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1039]] [[pbug>vuln-modmul]] [[pbug>vuln-bignum-division-by-zero]] [[pbug>private-key-not-wiped]] + ·* Bug fix: Failure when trying to automate file synchronization by checksum on an SFTP server that does not support it natively. [[bug>2291]] 
- ···* Bug fix: Not allowing search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters. [[bug>1025]] + ·* Bug fix: Remote panel does not refresh after //&quot;ZIP and Upload"//. [[bug&gt;2292]]
- ···* Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. [[bug>1032]] +
- ···* Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error "The system cannot find the file specified&quot; was shown instead of the actual cause.+
-===== [[5.1.6]] 5.1.6 (hotfix) ===== +===== [[6.3.3]] 6.3.3 ((2024-04-16)) =====
-=== 2013-07-29 ==+
-  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2.2 beta and 5.2.3 beta releases: +
-    * Help border button is available on message boxes. +
-    * Suppressing critical error popups when creating jumplist. [[bug>1007]] +
-    * Saving configuration, including master password, immediately after setting/clearing one. [[bug>1023]] +
-    * Bug fix: Fragments in Help links were not working. +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when pressing ''Shift'' key in console prompt with ''winscp.com''. [[bug>1009]] +
-    * Bug fix: Cannot open context menu on another list or tree entry or different view location, while another context menu of the same view is already opened. +
-    * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fix from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1017]] [[pbug>vuln-signature-stringlen]] +
-    * Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol. +
-    * Bug fix: Redundant reading of directory contents before file download when ''MLSD'' is in use. [[bug>1021]] +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when starting with default session settings having a password set protected with master password.+
-===== [[5.1.5]] 5.1.5 (hotfix) ===== +··* SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&amp;url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.81]]. \\ It brings the following change: 
-=== 2013-05-19 === +    * Security fix for CVE-2024-31497: NIST P521/ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 signatures are no longer generated with biased values of //k//. The previous bias compromises private keys. [[bug>2285]] [[pbug>vuln-p521-bias]] 
-··* Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2 beta and 5.2.1 beta releases+ ·* Translation updated: Belarusian
-   * New ''!P'' pattern to include process ID into session log path. + ·* XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.2
-    * Logging file timestamps when transferring using SFTP protocol. + ·* Support for TortoiseMerge in //Compare Files// extension. [[bug>2279]] 
-    * Workaround for FTP servers that do not acknowledge file transfer. [[bug&gt;976]] + ·* Bug fix: File panel does not have focus after Login in Explorer interface. [[bug>2276]] 
-    * Logging parsed directory listing on //Normal// logging level (previously on //Debug 1// level). + ·* Bug fix: Failure when closing the last remote tab. [[bug>2283]] 
-····* Bug fix: Failure when disposing ''Session'' of .NET assembly in process running with restricted privileges. +  * Bug fix: Copy and paste to another application in Store installation sometimes does not work. [[bug>2284]]
-    * Bug fix: ''open'' command record in logs with masked-out password did not contain the command name. +
-    * Bug fix: Pointless attempt to update source file timestamp, when uploading with FTP protocol. +
-····* Bug fix: Preserve timestamp checkbox was not available for uploads with FTP protocol. +
-····* Bug fix: Failure when server does not acknowledge file upload with FTP protocol. [[bug>982]] +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory. [[bug>983]] +
-····* Bug fix: When user cancels connection, authentication window is not closed. +
- ···* Bug fix: Build script was not working on 64-bit+
- ···* Bug fix: Build script was calling non-existing target ''clean''+
- ···* Bug fix: Taskbar button does not flash, when message pops up, while WinSCP is on background. [[bug>988]] +
- ···* Bug fix: Custom command pattern ''!/'' had incorrect value when executed on existing separate shell session just after directory change. [[bug>989]] +
- ···* Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled. [[bug>997]] +
-   * Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP password prompt. +
-····* Bug fix: When //Change stored password to this one// option is checked on password prompt, password is not updated for current session. +
-    * Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload. [[bug>999]] +
-    * Bug fix: IP address range ''172.16''-''172.31'' was not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode. [[bug>1001]] +
-    * Bug fix: Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window. [[bug>1004]] +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when reading file into internal editor. [[bug>1005]]+
-[[history_old|[Older versions] ]]+===== [[6.3.2]] 6.3.2 ((2024-03-12)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: Belarusian. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.1. 
 +  * Optimized startup when right panel local directory tree is not visible. 
 +  * Workaround for SFTP servers (Cisco) which omit message field from status response. [[bug>2272]] 
 +· * Bug fix: Password pipe cannot be used to open a session in an existing instance. [[bug>2265]
 + * Bug fix: Hang when canceling connection while reading remote directory. [[bug>2266]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP connection while reading remote directory. [[bug>2267]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot start on Windows XP. [[bug>2268]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Installation hangs when adding installation path to search path when executed in session 0. [[bug>2270]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Misplaced stored site use warning in scripting when session name is specified. [[bug>2271]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Correcting neon version in About box and logs. 
 +===== [[6.3.1]] 6.3.1 ((2024-02-21)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Norwegian. 
 +  * Bug fix: Badly encoded SFTP packet when renaming a file using SFTP version 5 and newer. [[bug>2259]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to synchronize files by checksum on server that does not support it. [[bug>2260]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Random hang/failure when closing FTP TLS 1.3 connection. [[bug>2261]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot use IPv6 literal as hostname on Login dialog. [[bug>2263]] 
 +[[history_old|Older versions]]

Last modified: by martin