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2022-06-07 2022-06-07
bug 2084 (martin) bug 2085 (martin)
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  * Workaround for calls to system API failing when used first time against some network shares (Samba) with paths over the legacy Windows limit. [[bug>2082]]   * Workaround for calls to system API failing when used first time against some network shares (Samba) with paths over the legacy Windows limit. [[bug>2082]]
  * Workaround for an apparent bug in Windows 11 that prevents WinSCP from stopping Windows going to the sleep mode during transfers. [[bug>2083]]   * Workaround for an apparent bug in Windows 11 that prevents WinSCP from stopping Windows going to the sleep mode during transfers. [[bug>2083]]
 +  * Workaround for specific encoding of commas in filenames (and particularly directory names) by OneDrive WebDAV interface. [[bug>2085]]
  * Bug fix: When transferring a growing file, after its original size is reached, the ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' event starts being triggered continuously. [[bug>2078]]   * Bug fix: When transferring a growing file, after its original size is reached, the ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' event starts being triggered continuously. [[bug>2078]]

Last modified: by martin