
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2024-09-10 2024-09-10
moving 6.1.1 to history_old (martin) releasing 6.3.5 (martin)
Line 54: Line 54:
  * Bug fix: Caption of permissions group labels disappears when hovered over on Windows 11.   * Bug fix: Caption of permissions group labels disappears when hovered over on Windows 11.
-===== [[6.3.5]] 6.3.5 (not released yet) ((2024-09-06)) =====+===== [[6.3.5]] 6.3.5 ((2024-09-10)) =====
  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.3.   * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.3.

Last modified: by martin