
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2024-09-24 2024-09-25
typo (martin) ap-southeast-5 region (martin)
Line 60: Line 60:
  * Bug fix: Some Unicode texts, notably custom command names, were saved incorrectly in an INI file. [[bug>2301]]   * Bug fix: Some Unicode texts, notably custom command names, were saved incorrectly in an INI file. [[bug>2301]]
  * Bug fix: Caption of permissions group labels disappears when hovered over on Windows 11.   * Bug fix: Caption of permissions group labels disappears when hovered over on Windows 11.
 +===== [[6.3.6]] 6.3.6 (not released yet) ((2024-09-25)) =====
 +  * Added new ''ap-southeast-5'' AWS region.
===== [[6.3.5]] 6.3.5 ((2024-09-10)) ===== ===== [[6.3.5]] 6.3.5 ((2024-09-10)) =====

Last modified: by martin