
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2019-08-18 2019-09-24
DisableVersionCheck will not be obsoleted (martin) changes in 5.16 (martin)
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The changes that most commonly causes issues are **highlighted**. The changes that most commonly causes issues are **highlighted**.
 +===== In the Last Major Beta Release 5.14 (after September 2019) =====
 +==== General ====
 +  * 5.16: Consider size of linked file when transferring/synchronizing symbolic link. [[bug>1747]]
 +==== GUI ====
 +  * 5.16: Removed option to create //Quick Launch// icons (Windows Vista and older only).
 +==== Scripting and .NET Assembly ====
 +  * 5.16: TLS/SSL certificate fingerprints in generated URL use dashes (''-'') instead of colons ('':''), while colons are still accepted. Consequently URLs with TLS/SSL certificate fingerprints generated by 5.16 and newer cannot be used for older versions.
 +  * 5.16: SHA-256 fingerprints in generated URL use dashes (''-'') and underscores (''_'') instead of pluses (''+'') and slashes (''/''), while pluses and slashes are still accepted. Consequently URLs with SHA-256 fingerprints generated by 5.16 and newer cannot be used for older versions.
 +  * 5.16: ''RemoteFileInfo.FileType'' now consistently returns ''L'' for symlinks as was always documented. ''RemoteFileInfo.FileType'' now consistently returns uppercase value as was always documented.
===== In the Last Major Release 5.14 (after October 2018) ===== ===== In the Last Major Release 5.14 (after October 2018) =====

Last modified: by martin