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2017-05-05 2017-12-11
fixing quotation - see t=24855 (martin) link update (martin)
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===== [[openssh]] Using OpenSSH Instead of PuTTY ===== ===== [[openssh]] Using OpenSSH Instead of PuTTY =====
-If you want to use OpenSSH ''ssh'' client in [[https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/about|Windows Subsystem for Linux]],((Also known as "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows".)) instead of PuTTY, you need to configure the following command [[ui_pref_integration_app|preferences]]: &winpath &win64+If you want to use OpenSSH ''ssh'' client in [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about|Windows Subsystem for Linux]],((Also known as "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows".)) instead of PuTTY, you need to configure the following command [[ui_pref_integration_app|preferences]]: &winpath &win64
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Last modified: by martin