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2013-12-20 2014-06-14
5.5 removing beta tags (martin) Grammar (martin)
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==== [[open_putty_current]] Opening Current Session in PuTTY ==== ==== [[open_putty_current]] Opening Current Session in PuTTY ====
-To open current session also in PuTTY. Go to //Commands > Open in PuTTY//.+To open current session also in PuTTY, go to //Commands > Open in PuTTY//.
You can also set up WinSCP to //[[ui_pref_integration_app|Automatically open new sessions in PuTTY]]//. You can also set up WinSCP to //[[ui_pref_integration_app|Automatically open new sessions in PuTTY]]//.

Last modified: by martin