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2016-10-10 2016-11-01
elaborate on the putty default settings (martin) WSL and ConEmu (martin)
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</code> </code>
-===== [[cygwin]] Using Cygwin/OpenSSH Instead of PuTTY =====+===== [[cygwin]] Using OpenSSH Instead of PuTTY =====
-If you want to use [[http://www.cygwin.com/|Cygwin/OpenSSH]], instead of PuTTY, you need to configure path to Cygwin/OpenSSH executable in [[ui_pref_integration_app|preferences]]. You also need you to specify pattern ''!U@!@'' in arguments to pass hostname and username((This section was inspired by [[http://blog.geekslikeshinythings.com/2013/08/winscp-and-cygwin.html|WinSCP and Cygwin]] article on Geeks Like Shiny Things blog.)):+If you want to use OpenSSH ''ssh'' client in [[https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/about|Windows Subsystem for Linux]],((Also known as &quot;Bash on Ubuntu on Windows&quot;.)) instead of PuTTY, you need to configure the following command [[ui_pref_integration_app|preferences]]: &amp;winpath &amp;win64
<code> <code>
-&lt;path_to_cygwin&gt;\bin\mintty.exe /bin/ssh !U@!@+&quot;C:\Windows\Sysnative\bash.exe" -c &quot;ssh !U@!@ -p !#"
</code> </code>
-where ''<path_to_cygwin>'' is by default ''C:\cygwin'' (32-bit) or ''C:\cygwin64'' (64-bit).+You can also have the remote shell open in the same working directory as WinSCP, using a [[integration_putty#putty_startup_directory|similar trick as with PuTTY]]:
 +"C:\Windows\Sysnative\bash.exe" -c "ssh !U@!@ -p !# -t 'cd !/ ; /bin/bash'"
 +(assuming a Unix-like system and the ''bash'' shell)
 +If you want to run the ''ssh'' in more advanced console window, you can use for example [[https://conemu.github.io/|ConEmu]]: &winpath &win32 &win64
 +"C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe" -run bash.exe -c "ssh !U@!@ -p !#"

Last modified: by martin