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2015-11-29 2015-11-29
no summary ( (hidden) Restored revision 1440403552. Undoing revision 1448754349. (martin) (hidden)
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WinSCP never registers to handle WebDAV ''%%http://%%'' %%URL%% addresses not to conflict with web browser registration. Though it registers [[#winscp|WinSCP-specific WebDAV URL addresses]]. WinSCP never registers to handle WebDAV ''%%http://%%'' %%URL%% addresses not to conflict with web browser registration. Though it registers [[#winscp|WinSCP-specific WebDAV URL addresses]].
-Vidalı Kompresor, Pistonlu Kompresör, de tedarik MERKEZİNİZ... sıfır ve 2 el kompresör, ··servis Tamiri ve bakımı, kompresör yedek parça, kompresör kafası, hava kurutucu servisi, Kompresör Şalteri jeneratör servisi saati kompresör yağı, http://www.kompresortamir.com , kompresör kafası, sessiz ve yağsız medikal kompresörler abac kafa, kompresorler ordu kocaeli inport, export , http://www.kompresoralsat.com+==== [[winxp]] Windows XP ==== 
 +On Windows XP, WinSCP registers to handle ''%%sftp://%%'' and ''%%scp://%%'' protocol %%URL%% addresses, overriding previous registration, if any. &winxp 
 +To change the registration
 +  * Go to //Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types//; &wincp 
 +  * Search a list for //File types// "%%URL: SFTP Protocol%%" or "%%URL: SCP Protocol%%"; 
 +  * Click //Advanced// button
 +  * Select "open" action; 
 +  * Click //Edit// button.
==== [[winscp]] WinSCP-specific URL protocols ==== ==== [[winscp]] WinSCP-specific URL protocols ====

Last modified: by martin