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lang:rs 2008-09-29 lang:rs 2008-10-01 (current)
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-====== Uvod ====== +[[lang:srl]]
-WinSCP je grafički SFTP klijent i FTP klijent otvorenog koda za Windows. Stari SCP protokol je takođe podržan. Njegova glavna funkcija je bezbedno kopiranje datoteka između lokalnog i udaljenog računara.  +
- +
-Ovo je kratak uvod za korisnike koji govore srpski. Većina WinSCP dokumentacije je na engleskom jeziku, kuda većina linkova i pokazuje. +
- +
-===== Preuzimanje i instaliranje programa WinSCP ===== +
-Srpska verzija programa WinSCP još nije kompletna. Da bi ste koristili nekompletnu verziju, prvo [[:installation|instalirajte]] englesku verziju. Da bi ste je preuzeli idite na [[this>../download.php|WinSCP download stranicu]] i preuzmite "Installation package" (instalacioni paket). zatim idite na [[this>../translations.php|stranicu prevoda]] i odaberite "Serbian". Raspakujte preuzetu ZIP arhivu u isti direktorijum gde je izvršni fajl za WinSCP (instalacioni direktorijum). Pročitajte [[:languages#install|kompletno uputstvo]]+
- +
- +
-===== Osobine ===== +
-  * [[:interfaces|Grafički korisnički interfejs]] +
-  * [[:languages|Preveden na više jezika]] +
-  * [[:integration|Integracija]] u Windows (drag&drop, URL, shortcut ikonice) +
-  * [[:u3|Podrška za U3]] +
-  * Sve uobičajene [[:task_index|operacije sa datotekama]] +
-  * Podrška za [[:protocols|SFTP i SCP protokole]] preko SSH-1 i SSH-2, kao i dobrog starog [[:protocols#ftp|FTP protokola]] +
-  * Batch file [[:scripting|scripting i interfejs iz komandne linije]] +
-  * [[:task_synchronize|Sinhronizacija direktorijuma]] na nekoliko poluautomatskih ili potpuno automatskih načina +
-  * [[:ui_editor|Integrisani editor teksta]] +
-  * Support for SSH password, keyboard-interactive, public key and Kerberos (GSS) [[:ui_login_authentication|authentication]] +
-  * Integracija sa programom Pageant (PuTTY agent za autentifikaciju) radi pružanja pune podrške [[:public_key|autentifikaciji pomoću javnog ključa]] putem SSH +
-  * [[:ui_explorer|Explorer]] i [[:ui_commander|Commander]] [[:interfaces|interfejsi]]. +
-  * Opciono [[:ui_login_save|čuvanje podataka o sesijama]]. +
-  * Opciona podrška za samostalne operacije koristeći [[:config|konfiguracioni fajl umesto podataka u registriju]], pogodno za operacije sa prenosivih uređaja +
- +
-===== File Operations ===== +
-WinSCP can do all basic operations with files, such as [[:task_download|downloading]] and [[:task_upload|uploading]]. It also allows you to [[:task_rename|rename]] files and folders, [[:task_create_directory|create new folders]], [[:task_properties|change properties]] of files and folders, and [[:task_link|creating symbolic links and shortcuts]]. +
- +
-One of two selectable program interfaces allows the user to manage files even on the local computer. +
- +
-===== Connection to Remote Computer ===== +
-Using WinSCP, it is possible to connect to a [[:SSH]] (Secure Shell) server with [[:protocols#sftp|SFTP]] (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or [[:protocols#scp|SCP]] (Secure Copy Protocol) service or to a [[:protocols#ftp|FTP]] (File Transfer Protocol) server. +
- +
-SFTP is a standard part of SSH-2 package. SCP is a standard part of SSH-1 package. Both protocols can be run even on the latter SSH version. WinSCP supports both SSH-1 and SSH-2. +
- +
-For FTP, only basic FTP is supported. Secure alternatives (FTP over SSL) are not supported. Neither are compressed transfers (Zlib). +
- +
-===== Program Interface ===== +
-There are two selectable program interfaces with plenty of configuration options in WinSCP.  +
- +
-You will have the first chance to select your preferred user interface during [[:installation|installation]]. You may want to change your [[:ui_pref_interface|preference]] later. +
- +
-If you are using WinSCP for the first time, you may wish to select the [[:ui_explorer|Explorer interface]] as it should be familiar to any Windows user. However if you are used to the concept of Norton Commander, used by several contemporary file managers (Total Commander, FAR, Servant Salamander), choose this one. [[:ui_commander|Commander interface]] is primarily focused on easy keyboard control. You can use it without ever touching mouse. One who is used to it can perform the operations much faster.+

Last modified: by neobee