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2007-06-04 2007-06-04
no summary ( (hidden) old revision restored (martin) (hidden)
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In addition to the default English user interface, WinSCP can be switched to other languages. In addition to the default English user interface, WinSCP can be switched to other languages.
-===== [[install]] Obtaining and Installing The Translation =====  -  * Ordered List Item +===== [[install]] Obtaining and Installing The Translation =====
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The [[installation|multilanguage installation package]] contains all the translations that were complete at time of its release. Other translations may be downloaded separately from the [[this>../translations.php|translation page]]. On that page there may be complete translations that were finished after the release. You can download incomplete translations as well. Non-translated parts of the interface will be in English. The [[installation|multilanguage installation package]] contains all the translations that were complete at time of its release. Other translations may be downloaded separately from the [[this>../translations.php|translation page]]. On that page there may be complete translations that were finished after the release. You can download incomplete translations as well. Non-translated parts of the interface will be in English.

Last modified: by martin