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library_examples 2016-06-21 library_examples 2020-12-25 (current)
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^ Example ^ Languages ^ ^ Example ^ Languages ^
-| [[script_download_timestamped_filename|Downloading file to timestamped-filename]] | PowerShell | +| [[script_download_timestamped_filename|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[script_download_most_recent_file|Downloading the most recent file]] | C#, PowerShell | +| [[script_download_most_recent_file|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
-| [[script_local_move_after_successful_upload|Moving local files to different location after successful upload]] | PowerShell | +| [[script_local_move_after_successful_upload|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_delete_after_successful_download|Deleting remote files after successful remote to local synchronization]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_delete_after_successful_download|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_listing_files_matching_wildcard|Listing files matching wildcard]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_listing_files_matching_wildcard|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_recursive_download_custom_error_handling|Recursively download directory tree with custom error handling]] | C#, PowerShell | +| [[library_example_recursive_download_custom_error_handling|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_recursive_search_text|Search recursively for text in remote directory / Grep files over SFTP/FTP protocol]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_recursive_search_text|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_verify_file_checksum|Verify checksum of a remote file against a local file over SFTP/FTP protocol]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_verify_file_checksum|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[script_locking_files_while_uploading|Locking files while uploading / Upload to temporary file name]] | PowerShell | +| [[script_locking_files_while_uploading|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[script_upload_file_list|Uploading a list of files]] | PowerShell | +| [[script_upload_file_list|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_find_duplicate_files|Find duplicate files in SFTP/FTP server]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_find_duplicate_files|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[script_custom_listing_format_csv|Custom directory listing format (CSV)]] | PowerShell | +| [[script_custom_listing_format_csv|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_parallel_transfers|Automating download in parallel connections over SFTP/FTP protocol]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_parallel_transfers|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
-| [[guide_protecting_credentials_for_automation|Protecting credentials used for automation]] | C#, PowerShell | +| [[guide_protecting_credentials_for_automation|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_check_existence_timestamp|Checking file existence and timestamp]] | C#, %%VB.NET%%, PowerShell, JScript, VBScript | +| [[library_example_check_existence_timestamp|*]] | C#, %%VB.NET%%, PowerShell, JScript, VBScript | 
-| [[library_example_zip_and_upload|Pack files to ZIP archive and upload it]] | PowerShell | +| [[script_downloading_when_done_file_exists|*]] | PowerShell
-| [[library_example_known_hosts|Implementing SSH host key cache (known hosts)]] | C#, PowerShell | +| [[script_download_files_to_same_folder|*]] | PowerShell || 
-| [[library_example_moves_files_keeping_directory_structure|Recursively move files in directory tree to/from SFTP/FTP server while preserving source directory structure]] | C#, PowerShell | +| [[library_example_zip_and_upload|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_download_clipboard|Download remote file from a path stored in clipboard]] | PowerShell | +| [[extension_archive_and_download|*]] | PowerShell | 
-| [[library_example_watch_for_changes|Watching for changes in SFTP/FTP server]] | C#, PowerShell | +| [[library_example_known_hosts|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
-| [[guide_automation_advanced|Advanced files rename on SFTP/FTP server]] | PowerShell | +| [[library_example_moves_files_keeping_directory_structure|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
 +| [[library_example_download_clipboard|*]] | PowerShell
 +| [[library_example_watch_for_changes|*]] | C#, PowerShell | 
 +| [[library_example_advanced_rename|*]] | PowerShell | 
 +| [[library_example_keep_local_directory_up_to_date|*]] | PowerShell | 
 +| [[library_example_remember_downloaded_files|*]] | PowerShell | 
 +| [[library_example_two_way_synchronize_delete|*]] | PowerShell | 
 +| [[library_example_winforms_progressbar|*]] | C#, VB.NET |
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Last modified: by martin