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2014-08-04 2014-09-10
typo (martin) build action note (martin)
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E.g. If you reference WinSCP assembly from your project in Microsoft Visual Studio, it copies the assembly during build into the project //Output path// (e.g. ''<your_project_path>/obj/Debug''). Similar case is when you install the assembly into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). E.g. If you reference WinSCP assembly from your project in Microsoft Visual Studio, it copies the assembly during build into the project //Output path// (e.g. ''<your_project_path>/obj/Debug''). Similar case is when you install the assembly into Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
-You may want to add ''winscp.exe'' to your Visual Studio project, to have it copied to //Output path// automatically (by setting file property //Copy to Output Directory// to //Copy if newer//).+You may want to add ''winscp.exe'' to your Visual Studio project, to have it copied to //Output path// automatically (by setting file property //Copy to Output Directory// to //Copy if newer//). The //Build Action// should be automatically set to //Content//, what means that the file will be included when deploying your application.
==== [[nuget]] NuGet Package ==== ==== [[nuget]] NuGet Package ====

Last modified: by martin