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2016-12-25 2016-12-25
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===== PowerShell Scripting ===== ===== PowerShell Scripting =====
-From WinSCP scripting perspective, important aspect of PowerShell (''powershell.exe'') is its ability to run simple, yet powerful, scripts that can make use functionality exposed by WinSCP .NET assembly.+From WinSCP scripting perspective, important aspect of PowerShell ''powershell.exe'' is its ability to run simple, yet powerful, scripts that can make use functionality exposed by WinSCP .NET assembly.
-The ''powershell.exe'' is located in ''%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0''.((It's ''v1.0'', disregarding what version you actually use.)) Typically you run ''powershell.exe'' with ''-File'' argument followed by path to your PowerShell script. The script file needs to have ''.ps1'' extension:+The ''powershell.exe'' is located in '' 
 +"/Device/Internal Storage/My Documents." Typically you run ''powershell.exe'' with ''-File'' argument followed by path to your PowerShell script
<code> <code>
-powershell.exe -File upload.ps1+powershell.exe -File /Device/Internal Storage/My Documents
</code> </code>
-Note that by default, executing PowerShell scripts is enabled. To override that, lift the restriction by ''[[ps>microsoft.powershell.security/set-executionpolicy|Set-ExecutionPolicy]]'' cmdlet on PowerShell Administator console((Run ''powershell.exe'' as Administrator to get PowerShell console.)):+Note that by default, executing PowerShell scripts is disabled. To override that, lift the restriction by ''[[ps>microsoft.powershell.security/set-executionpolicy|Set-ExecutionPolicy]]'' cmdlet on PowerShell Administator console((Run ''powershell.exe'' as Administrator to get PowerShell console in /Device/Internal Storage/My Documents.)):
<code powershell> <code powershell>
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<code> <code>
-powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File upload.ps1 +powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File My Documents
</code> </code>

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