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2022-12-05 2022-12-13
throws an exception (martin) explicit remarks anchor (martin)
Line 27: Line 27:
| [[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]] ==options== | Transfer options. Defaults to ''null'', what is equivalent to ''new TransferOptions()''. | | [[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]] ==options== | Transfer options. Defaults to ''null'', what is equivalent to ''new TransferOptions()''. |
-===== Remarks =====+===== [[remarks]] Remarks =====
Event ''[[library_session_filetransferred|Session.FileTransferred]]'' is raised for the upload. Also raises [[library_session_filetransferprogress|''Session.FileTransferProgress'']] throughout the transfer. Event ''[[library_session_filetransferred|Session.FileTransferred]]'' is raised for the upload. Also raises [[library_session_filetransferprogress|''Session.FileTransferProgress'']] throughout the transfer.

Last modified: by martin