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2007-01-05 2008-01-30
no summary ( no summary ( (hidden)
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  * Connection was blocked by firewall. For local firewalls, particularly the one included in Windows XP SP2, note that the firewalls may not only block the port, but also a particular program (in our case, WinSCP).   * Connection was blocked by firewall. For local firewalls, particularly the one included in Windows XP SP2, note that the firewalls may not only block the port, but also a particular program (in our case, WinSCP).
-===== Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 11 =====+===== Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0 =====
Status 11 is reported by OpenSSH SFTP server, when it encounters corrupted SFTP packet or packet larger than 256 kB. Some versions of WinSCP can eventually send such a large packet. Version 3.7.6 solves the issue. Status 11 is reported by OpenSSH SFTP server, when it encounters corrupted SFTP packet or packet larger than 256 kB. Some versions of WinSCP can eventually send such a large packet. Version 3.7.6 solves the issue.

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