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2013-03-17 2013-05-15
Restored revision 1362731435. Undoing revision 1363487148. (martin) (hidden) Renaming Login/Preferences "tabs" to "pages" (martin)
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    * Your account may not be allowed to start a shell at all. With some servers (like OpenSSH or Sun SSH), you may need to be allowed to start a shell, even if using SFTP protocol.     * Your account may not be allowed to start a shell at all. With some servers (like OpenSSH or Sun SSH), you may need to be allowed to start a shell, even if using SFTP protocol.
    * Also some servers refuse to start a shell if your password has expired or your account was terminated.     * Also some servers refuse to start a shell if your password has expired or your account was terminated.
-    * Some shells do not work with non-interactive sessions. The same it true for some configurations (or profiles used) for otherwise working shells. This commonly exhibits with [[scp|SCP protocol]] with associated error message [[message_startup_message|"Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended)."]] Try to force ''bash'' shell explicitly on [[ui_login_scp|SCP/Shell tab]] of Login dialog. Using [[sftp|SFTP protocol]] instead of SCP is another option.+    * Some shells do not work with non-interactive sessions. The same it true for some configurations (or profiles used) for otherwise working shells. This commonly exhibits with [[scp|SCP protocol]] with associated error message [[message_startup_message|"Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended)."]] Try to force ''bash'' shell explicitly on //[[ui_login_scp|SCP/Shell page]]// of Login dialog. Using [[sftp|SFTP protocol]] instead of SCP is another option.
    * OpenSSH server may fail to start shell when chroot is configured, but not possible (e.g. due to group writeable permissions to chroot directory).     * OpenSSH server may fail to start shell when chroot is configured, but not possible (e.g. due to group writeable permissions to chroot directory).
    * Some environments require specific permissions (e.g. 755) to files like ''.profile'' or ''.bashrc''.     * Some environments require specific permissions (e.g. 755) to files like ''.profile'' or ''.bashrc''.

Last modified: by martin