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2013-12-20 2014-03-27
5.5 removing beta tags (martin) elaborate on synchronization (martin)
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Note that you cannot disable preserving timestamp for [[task_synchronize|synchronization]], unless you turn off //Modification timestamp// [[ui_synchronize#criteria|comparison criteria]]. Note that you cannot disable preserving timestamp for [[task_synchronize|synchronization]], unless you turn off //Modification timestamp// [[ui_synchronize#criteria|comparison criteria]].
-When using [[scripting]], add ''-nopreservetime'' and ''-nopermissions'' switches to ''[[scriptcommand_put|put]]'' command.+When using [[scripting]], add ''-nopreservetime'' and ''-nopermissions'' switches to ''[[scriptcommand_put|put]]'' command. With ''[[scriptcommand_synchronize|synchronize]]'' command, this works only when ''-criteria'' is ''none'' or ''size'' and it never works in ''both'' mode.
When using [[library|.NET assembly]], set ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' as follows: When using [[library|.NET assembly]], set ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' as follows:
Line 306: Line 306:
transferOptions.PreserveTimestamp = false; transferOptions.PreserveTimestamp = false;
</code> </code>
 +With [[library_session_synchronizedirectories|Session.SynchronizeDirectories]], this works only when ''criteria'' parameter is ''SynchronizationCriteria.None'' or ''SynchronizationCriteria.Size'' and it never works when ''mode'' parameter is ''SynchronizationMode.Both''.
===== [[library_process_terminated_with_exit_code_3]] WinSCP process terminated with exit code 3 ===== ===== [[library_process_terminated_with_exit_code_3]] WinSCP process terminated with exit code 3 =====

Last modified: by martin