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2014-10-27 2014-10-27
Restored revision 1414350029. Undoing revision 1414368410. (martin) (hidden) no summary ( (hidden)
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If you are trying to use WinSCP to connect to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, please refer to [[faq_iphone|FAQ]]. If you are trying to use WinSCP to connect to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, please refer to [[faq_iphone|FAQ]].
-==== In Other Languages ==== +
-  * //Deutsch - // Netzwerkfehler: Verbindung abgelehnt +
-  * //Español - // Error de Red: Conexión Rechazada +
-  * //Français - // Erreur réseau : connexion refusée +
-  * //Italiano - // Errore di rete: connessione rifiutata+
===== [[connection_refused_ftp]] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ===== ===== [[connection_refused_ftp]] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it =====

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