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2015-02-08 2015-02-16
custom ad (Petr) timeout_detected: protocol specifics + ftp_modes (martin)
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If you are getting this error, first try to set longer [[ui_login_connection|timeout interval]]. If you are getting this error, first try to set longer [[ui_login_connection|timeout interval]].
-If this does not help and you are getting the error while logging in or while initiating file transfer, all reasons and hints for [[message_connection_refused|"Network error: Connection refused"]] apply to this error too.+If this does not help and you are getting the error while logging in or while initiating file transfer:
-With [[ftp|FTP protocol]] you can also try to use [[ui_login_connection#connection|passive mode]].+  * With [[SFTP]] or [[SCP]] protocol, all reasons and hints for [[message_connection_refused|"Network error: Connection refused"]] apply to this error too. 
 +  * With [[ftp|FTP protocol]], a reason is likely a firewall or NAT blocking a data connection. Learn about [[ftp_modes|FTP connection modes and required network configuration]].
===== [[software_caused_connection_abort]] Network error: Software caused connection abort ===== ===== [[software_caused_connection_abort]] Network error: Software caused connection abort =====

Last modified: by martin