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2016-01-22 2016-01-22
switch anchors (martin) scriptcommand_synchronize#criteria (martin)
Line 363: Line 363:
==== Automation ==== ==== Automation ====
-When using [[scripting]], add ''[[scriptcommand_put#nopreservetime|-nopreservetime]]'' and ''[[scriptcommand_put#nopermissions|-nopermissions]]'' switches to ''[[scriptcommand_put|put]]'' command. With ''[[scriptcommand_synchronize|synchronize]]'' command, this works only when ''-criteria'' is ''none'' or ''size'' and it never works in ''both'' mode.+When using [[scripting]], add ''[[scriptcommand_put#nopreservetime|-nopreservetime]]'' and ''[[scriptcommand_put#nopermissions|-nopermissions]]'' switches to ''[[scriptcommand_put|put]]'' command. With ''[[scriptcommand_synchronize|synchronize]]'' command, this works only when ''[[scriptcommand_synchronize#criteria|-criteria]]'' is ''none'' or ''size'' and it never works in ''both'' mode.
When using [[library|.NET assembly]], set ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' as shown in following examples: When using [[library|.NET assembly]], set ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' as shown in following examples:

Last modified: by martin