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2016-12-30 2016-12-30
fixing anchor - to the id used in the application (martin) grammar + ftp_modes (martin)
Line 334: Line 334:
===== [[cannot_open_active_connection]] The server cannot open connection in active mode. If you are behind a NAT router, you may need to specify an external IP address. Alternatively, consider switching to passive mode. ===== ===== [[cannot_open_active_connection]] The server cannot open connection in active mode. If you are behind a NAT router, you may need to specify an external IP address. Alternatively, consider switching to passive mode. =====
-The error happens when the server does not open connection to WinSCP to perform file or directory listing transfer.+The error happens, when the server does not open connection to WinSCP to perform file or directory listing transfer.
To resolve the problem try: To resolve the problem try:
  * Specifying your [[ui_pref_network|external IP address]];   * Specifying your [[ui_pref_network|external IP address]];
-  * Switching to [[ui_login_connection|passive mode]].+  * Switching to the [[ui_login_connection|passive mode]]. 
 +Read more about [[ftp_modes|FTP connection modes]].
===== [[name_no_data]] The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for ===== ===== [[name_no_data]] The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for =====

Last modified: by martin