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2021-01-25 2021-02-03
link update (martin) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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===== [[connection_timed_out]] Network error: Connection to "..." timed out ===== ===== [[connection_timed_out]] Network error: Connection to "..." timed out =====
All reasons and hints for [[message_connection_refused|"Network error: Connection refused"]] apply to this error too. All reasons and hints for [[message_connection_refused|"Network error: Connection refused"]] apply to this error too.
===== [[server_rejected_sftp_listens_for_ftp]] The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections. ===== ===== [[server_rejected_sftp_listens_for_ftp]] The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections. =====

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