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2021-02-26 2021-02-26
no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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Залупа Залупа
-==== In a Middle of Session ==== +Тоже хуйня
-If you get this error message in the middle of the session, it is usually caused by a fatal error on the server. The server error may possibly be initiated by an error on the client (WinSCP) side. +
- +
-In both cases check the log file of your server to see an actual reason, it closed connection for. +
- +
-If the problem repeats, try turning off //[[ui_login_connection|Optimize connection buffer size]]//.+
===== [[disconnected]] Disconnected from server ===== ===== [[disconnected]] Disconnected from server =====

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