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2008-02-21 2008-02-22
verify that the command can be executed with return_code_127 (martin) link common putty error messages (martin)
Line 102: Line 102:
===== Invalid access to memory ===== ===== Invalid access to memory =====
This error message is not useful for you as an end-user. It generally means that there is a bug in the software. Please [[reporting|report the bug]]. This error message is not useful for you as an end-user. It generally means that there is a bug in the software. Please [[reporting|report the bug]].
 +===== Other References =====
 +SSH code of WinSCP is based on PuTTY. So if you are getting some error message while using [[protocol|SCP or SFTP protocols]] (particularly while connecting), you may check also the [[&url(puttydoc)/Chapter10.html|common error messages]] in PuTTY documentation.

Last modified: by martin