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2013-06-01 2013-07-05
session setting => site setting (martin) PRESERVE_TIME_PERM_ERROR message, text moved from faq_not_owner (martin)
Line 283: Line 283:
To circumvent that, disable [[ui_pref_resume|transfer resume/transfer to temporary filename]]. To circumvent that, disable [[ui_pref_resume|transfer resume/transfer to temporary filename]].
 +===== [[preserve_time_perm]] Upload of file .. was successful, but error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp. If the problem persists, turn off setting permissions or preserving timestamp. Alternatively you can turn on 'Ignore permission errors' option. =====
 +On some systems, you need to be an owner of the file (write permissions are not enough) to modify its permissions or timestamp. To overwrite file, you do not own, on such systems, you need to turn off //[[ui_transfer_custom#upload_options|Set permissions]]// and //[[ui_transfer_custom#common_options|Preserve timestamp]]// options or turn on //[[ui_transfer_custom#upload_options|Ignore permission errors]]//.
 +Note that you cannot disable preserving timestamp for [[task_synchronize|synchronization]], unless you turn off //Modification timestamp// [[ui_synchronize#criteria|comparison criteria]].
 +When using [[scripting]], add ''-nopreservetime'' and ''-nopermissions'' switches to ''[[scriptcommand_put|put]]'' command.
 +When using [[library|.NET assembly]], set ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' as follows:
 +<code csharp>
 +TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
 +transferOptions.FilePermissions = null; // This is default
 +transferOptions.PreserveTimestamp = false;
===== [[invalid_access_to_memory]] Invalid access to memory ===== ===== [[invalid_access_to_memory]] Invalid access to memory =====

Last modified: by martin