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2017-01-18 2017-01-18
explicit anchor use (martin) explicit anchor use (martin)
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  * Some servers are set up to pickup any uploaded file immediately, process it somehow and delete or move it away. If the server is quick enough, it does that before WinSCP is able to update the file timestamp or permissions (you will see an error like //"No such file or directory"// in error details).   * Some servers are set up to pickup any uploaded file immediately, process it somehow and delete or move it away. If the server is quick enough, it does that before WinSCP is able to update the file timestamp or permissions (you will see an error like //"No such file or directory"// in error details).
-Whatever the reason is, you need to turn off //[[ui_transfer_custom#upload_options|Set permissions]]// and //[[ui_transfer_custom#common_options|Preserve timestamp]]// options or turn on //[[ui_transfer_custom#upload_options|Ignore permission errors]]//.+Whatever the reason is, you need to turn off //[[ui_transfer_custom#upload|Set permissions]]// and //[[ui_transfer_custom#common|Preserve timestamp]]// options or turn on //[[ui_transfer_custom#upload|Ignore permission errors]]//.
Note that you cannot disable preserving timestamp for [[task_synchronize|synchronization]], unless you turn off //Modification timestamp// [[ui_synchronize#criteria|comparison criteria]]. Note that you cannot disable preserving timestamp for [[task_synchronize|synchronization]], unless you turn off //Modification timestamp// [[ui_synchronize#criteria|comparison criteria]].

Last modified: by martin