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2011-05-26 2011-05-26
no summary (martin) no summary (
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WinSCP uses OpenCandy advertising module in its [[installation|installation program]]. WinSCP uses OpenCandy advertising module in its [[installation|installation program]].
-The module only shows maximum one ad during the installation. WinSCP application itself does **not** contain OpenCandy and does **not** show any ads.+The module shows at maximum one ad and only during the installation. WinSCP application itself does **not** contain OpenCandy and does **not** show any ads.
[[http://www.opencandy.com/|OpenCandy]] is advertising application. It is similar to Google AdSense, except it displays advertisements in installation program instead on a website. These advertisements promote another software packages. The advertisements are selected by providers of software being installed (in case of WinSCP it means WinSCP developers). When user installing a software (WinSCP) chooses to install promoted package, revenue is generated and shared between OpenCandy and software providers (WinSCP developers). [[http://www.opencandy.com/|OpenCandy]] is advertising application. It is similar to Google AdSense, except it displays advertisements in installation program instead on a website. These advertisements promote another software packages. The advertisements are selected by providers of software being installed (in case of WinSCP it means WinSCP developers). When user installing a software (WinSCP) chooses to install promoted package, revenue is generated and shared between OpenCandy and software providers (WinSCP developers).

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