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2016-08-12 2016-08-18
5.9.1 A hidden configuration option to change sound for the Beep when work finishes function. (martin) Interface\CopyParam\NewerOnly (martin)
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| ''Interface\ExternalIpAddress'' | [[ui_pref_network|External IP address]] |  | | ''Interface\ExternalIpAddress'' | [[ui_pref_network|External IP address]] |  |
| ''Configuration\Interface\KeepUpToDateChangeDelay'' | Upload delay after change is detected while [[task_keep_up_to_date|Keeping remote directory up to date]] | In milliseconds. | | ''Configuration\Interface\KeepUpToDateChangeDelay'' | Upload delay after change is detected while [[task_keep_up_to_date|Keeping remote directory up to date]] | In milliseconds. |
 +| ''Interface\CopyParam\NewerOnly'' | [[ui_transfer_custom#other|New and updated files only]] | ''1'' = On, ''0'' = Off |
| ''Interface\CopyParam\FileNameCase'' | [[ui_transfer_custom|File name case modification]] | ''0'' = No change, ''1'' = Upper case, ''2'' = Lower case, ''4'' = Lower case 8.3 | | ''Interface\CopyParam\FileNameCase'' | [[ui_transfer_custom|File name case modification]] | ''0'' = No change, ''1'' = Upper case, ''2'' = Lower case, ''4'' = Lower case 8.3 |
| ''Interface\CopyParam\ReplaceInvalidChars'' | [[ui_transfer_custom|Replace '\:*?']] | ''0'' = Do not replace, ''1'' = replace with ''%XX'', where the ''XX'' is a hexadecimal code of the invalid character, any other value = replace with the character specified by the option value (e.g. ''95'' for an underscore) | | ''Interface\CopyParam\ReplaceInvalidChars'' | [[ui_transfer_custom|Replace '\:*?']] | ''0'' = Do not replace, ''1'' = replace with ''%XX'', where the ''XX'' is a hexadecimal code of the invalid character, any other value = replace with the character specified by the option value (e.g. ''95'' for an underscore) |

Last modified: by martin