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2018-09-21 2018-10-16
Interface\SessionReopenAutoStall (martin) rawsettings and rawtransfesettings (martin)
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In [[library|.NET assembly]], use ''[[library_session_addrawconfiguration|Session.AddRawConfiguration]]'' method (when the settings cannot be configured using any dedicated property of ''[[library_session|Session]]'' class). In [[library|.NET assembly]], use ''[[library_session_addrawconfiguration|Session.AddRawConfiguration]]'' method (when the settings cannot be configured using any dedicated property of ''[[library_session|Session]]'' class).
 +See also [[rawsettings|raw site settings]] and [[rawtransfesettings|raw transfer settings]].
===== Common Advanced Settings ===== ===== Common Advanced Settings =====

Last modified: by martin