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2019-03-28 2019-05-13
typography (martin) BeepSound anchor (martin)
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| ''Interface\TimeoutShellOperations'' | Run potentially lengthy shell operations on background thread (can cause instability) | ''0'' = Disable, ''1'' = Enable | | ''Interface\TimeoutShellOperations'' | Run potentially lengthy shell operations on background thread (can cause instability) | ''0'' = Disable, ''1'' = Enable |
| ''Interface\LocaleSafe'' | [[ui_pref_languages|Language]] | [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/intl/language-identifier-constants-and-strings|Decimal LCID]] of the language/locale. E.g. ''1033'' for English (United States) | | ''Interface\LocaleSafe'' | [[ui_pref_languages|Language]] | [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/intl/language-identifier-constants-and-strings|Decimal LCID]] of the language/locale. E.g. ''1033'' for English (United States) |
-| ''Interface\BeepSound'' | A path to a sound file or system sound alias for the //[[ui_pref_environment#notifications|Beep when work finishes]]// function. | Defaults to system sound alias ''SystemDefault''. |+| ''==Interface\BeepSound=='' | A path to a sound file or system sound alias for the //[[ui_pref_environment#notifications|Beep when work finishes]]// function. | Defaults to system sound alias ''SystemDefault''. |
| ''Interface\MinimizeToTray'' | [[ui_pref_window|Minimize main window to taskbar status area]]. | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''Interface\MinimizeToTray'' | [[ui_pref_window|Minimize main window to taskbar status area]]. | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
| ''Interface\TryFtpWhenSshFails'' | [[ui_pref_network|When SFTP connection is rejected, knock FTP port]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''Interface\TryFtpWhenSshFails'' | [[ui_pref_network|When SFTP connection is rejected, knock FTP port]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |

Last modified: by martin