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2005-01-03 2005-01-03
no summary ( (hidden) old revision restored (martin) (hidden)
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create incompatabilities with WinSCP, particularly if using SCP create incompatabilities with WinSCP, particularly if using SCP
instead of SFTP. instead of SFTP.
-Created 12/08/2004<br> 
-Modified 01/03/2005<br> 
-Project BNSP Webite<br> 
-Model ERD<br> 
-Company Ben Online Inc.<br> 
-Author Mark Anthony Guadalupe<br> 
-Version 1.0<br> 
-Database mySQL 4.0 <br> 
===== Client Requirements ===== ===== Client Requirements =====
WinSCP should run on any system running Windows 95 or later. Windows XP/2000 recommended WinSCP should run on any system running Windows 95 or later. Windows XP/2000 recommended

Last modified: by martin