Old Revisions
These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it.
2020-12-24 –
automatically using target article title for link anchor
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2017-10-04 –
using variable expansion in strings in powershell
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2017-05-12 –
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2016-03-07 –
library_session_getfiles#example => library_example_check_existence_timestamp + fixing vblink on the way
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2016-01-06 –
Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles alternative
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2015-12-17 –
removing uses of option batch and confirm not needed since 5.6 with release of the next major branch 5.8
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2015-03-25 –
checking for existence of any file matching a mask
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