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scriptcommand_keepuptodate 2014-06-02 scriptcommand_keepuptodate 2023-08-21 (current)
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-====== keepuptodate ======+====== keepuptodate command ======
[[task_keep_up_to_date|Watches for changes]] in local directory and reflects them on remote one. [[task_keep_up_to_date|Watches for changes]] in local directory and reflects them on remote one.
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When directories are not specified, current working directories are synchronized. To stop watching for changes press ''Ctrl+C''. When directories are not specified, current working directories are synchronized. To stop watching for changes press ''Ctrl+C''.
 +If you do not want the synchronization to be aborted or interrupted by errors, use command ''[[scriptcommand_option#batch|option batch continue]]'' before starting.
Note: Overwrite confirmations are always off for the command. Note: Overwrite confirmations are always off for the command.
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Switches: Switches:
^ Switch                  ^ Description ^ ^ Switch                  ^ Description ^
-| ''-delete''              | Delete obsolete files  | +| ''-==delete==''              | Delete obsolete files.  | 
-| ''-permissions=<mode>''  | Set permissions ([[SFTP]] and [[SCP]] protocols only) | +| ''-==permissions===<mode>''  | Set permissions ([[SFTP]] and [[SCP]] protocols only).
-| ''-nopermissions''      | Keep default permissions | +| ''-==nopermissions==''      | Keep default permissions.
-| ''-speed=<kibps>'' ······| Limit transfer speed (in KiB/s) | +| ''-==speed===<kbps>'' ·······| Limit transfer speed (in KB/s).
-| ''-transfer=<mode>''    | ''%%binary|ascii|automatic%%'' \\ [[transfer_mode|Transfer mode]]: binary, ascii (text), automatic (by extension). |  +| ''-==transfer===<mode>''    | ''%%binary|ascii|automatic%%'' \\ [[transfer_mode|Transfer mode]]: binary, ascii (text), automatic (by extension). |  
-| ''-filemask=<mask>''    | ''%%<mask>[;<mask2>...]%%'' \\ Sets [[file_mask|file mask]]. |  +| ''-==filemask===<mask>''    | ''%%<mask>[;<mask2>...]%%'' \\ Sets [[file_mask|file mask]]. |  
-| ''-resumesupport=<state>'' | ''%%on|off|<threshold>%%'' \\ Configures [[resume#automatic|automatic resume/transfer to temporary filename]]. | +| ''-==resumesupport===<state>'' | ''%%on|off|<threshold>%%'' \\ Configures [[resume#automatic|automatic resume/transfer to temporary filename]]. |  
 +| ''-==rawtransfersettings== setting1=value1 setting2=value2 ...'' | Allows configuring any transfer settings using [[rawtransfersettings|raw format]] as in an INI file. E.g. to enable preserving of directory timestamps, use ''-rawtransfersettings PreserveTimeDirs=1''. The switch should come only after other parameters. |
-Effective [[scriptcommand_option|options]]: ''reconnecttime''+Effective [[scriptcommand_option|options]]: ''[[scriptcommand_option#reconnecttime|reconnecttime]]''
-XML log elements: ''[[logging_xml#upload|upload]]'', ''[[logging_xml#touch|touch]]'', ''[[logging_xml#chmod|chmod]]'' (with ''-permissions''), ''[[logging_xml#rm|rm]]'' (with ''-delete'')+XML log elements: ''[[logging_xml#upload|upload]]'', ''[[logging_xml#touch|touch]]'', ''[[logging_xml#mkdir|mkdir]]'', ''[[logging_xml#chmod|chmod]]'' (with ''[[#permissions|-permissions]]''), ''[[logging_xml#rm|rm]]'' (with ''[[#delete|-delete]]'')
===== Examples ===== ===== Examples =====
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</code> </code>
-===== Converting to .NET Assembly =====+===== [[net]] Converting to .NET Assembly =====
There is no equivalent for ''keepuptodate'' command in [[library|.NET assembly]]. There is no equivalent for ''keepuptodate'' command in [[library|.NET assembly]].
-You can make use of ''[[msdn>System.IO.FileSystemWatcher]]'' to run non-recursive synchronization using ''[[library_session_synchronizedirectories|Session.SynchronizeDirectories]]'', when change in local directory occurs.+You can make use of ''[[dotnet>System.IO.FileSystemWatcher]]'' to run non-recursive synchronization using ''[[library_session_synchronizedirectories|Session.SynchronizeDirectories]]'', when change in local directory occurs.

Last modified: by martin