Old Revisions
These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it.
2023-12-06 –
6.2.1 Issue 52 – Use file hash as criterion for synchronization
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2018-12-20 –
5.14.2 Bug 1707: Optionally failing synchronization in scripting when there are no changes.
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2018-10-17 –
5.14 Transfer settings that do not have a dedicated scripting switch or a .NET TransferOptions property can be set using -rawtransfersettings switch or TransferOptions.AddRawSettings method.
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2017-10-17 –
consistent us of dot at the end of switch description
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2015-12-17 –
removing uses of option batch and confirm not needed since 5.6 with release of the next major branch 5.8
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2015-07-29 –
synchronize Local -delete d:\www /home/martin/public_html
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2014-07-14 –
5.6 Bug 1019 Speed limit in .NET assembly.
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2014-07-14 –
mkdir element used when uploading directories (found when fixing Bug 1188)
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2014-03-27 –
reveal that -preservetime and -nopreservetime actually has some effect on synchronize
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2014-03-07 –
visually separating examples to make it clear that they are standalone
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2013-08-11 –
at least one example with all kinds of arguments
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2013-05-13 –
Converting to .NET Assembly (no example yet)
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2013-04-15 –
5.2 Bug 834 Transfer resume support can be controlled in scripting
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