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scripts 2010-08-08 scripts 2021-03-31 (current)
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====== Useful Scripts ====== ====== Useful Scripts ======
-===== [[upload_single_file]] Uploading a single file =====+··* [[script_upload_single_file|*]] 
 +  * [[script_upload_multiple_servers|*]] 
 +  * [[script_download_timestamped_filename|*]] 
 +  * [[script_download_most_recent_file|*]] 
 +  * [[script_upload_most_recent_file|*]] 
 +  * [[script_checking_file_existence|*]] 
 +  * [[script_local_move_after_successful_upload|*]] 
 +  * [[script_locking_files_while_uploading|*]] 
 +  * [[script_downloading_when_done_file_exists|*]] 
 +  * [[script_download_files_to_same_folder|*]] 
 +  * [[script_upload_file_list|*]] 
 +  * [[script_synchronize_any_local_file|*]] 
 +  * [[script_auto_compress_download|*]] 
 +  * [[script_custom_listing_format_csv|*]] 
 +  * [[script_retry|*]] 
 +  * [[script_formatting_timestamp_batch_file|*]] 
 +  * [[script_email|*]] 
 +  * [[script_vbnet_robust_example|*]]
-Uploading a single file involves so few commands that it is enough to provide them on the command line, saving writing a script file: 
-winscp.com /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open user@example.com" "put examplefile.txt /home/user/" "exit" 
-However you may want to use a script file anyway, so you can later expand it: 
-<code winscp> 
-option batch abort 
-option confirm off 
-open user@example.com 
-put examplefile.txt /home/user/ 
-To run the script use following command (providing you have saved the script to file ''example.txt''): 
-winscp.com /script=example.txt 
-===== [[download_timestamped_filename]] Downloading file to timestamped-filename ===== 
-You may use following [[guide_automation_advanced#wsh|Windows script host JavaScript code]] (''example.js''): 
-<code javascript> 
-// Local path to download to (keep trailing slash) 
-var LOCALPATH = ".\\"; 
-// Remote path to download from (keep trailing slash) 
-var REMOTEPATH = "/"; 
-// File to download 
-var FILE = "winscp421.exe"; 
-// Session to connect to 
-var SESSION = "test@"; 
-// Path to winscp.com 
-var WINSCP = "c:\\program files\\winscp\\winscp.com"; 
-// helper function to pad zeroes to the left of number 
-function pad(n, len) 
-    var s = n.toString(); 
-    while (s.length < len) 
-    { 
-        s = '0' + s; 
-    } 
-    return s; 
-var date = new Date(); 
-// format timestamp 
-var stamp =  
-    pad(date.getFullYear(), 4) + 
-    pad(date.getMonth(), 2) + 
-    pad(date.getDate(), 2) + 
-    pad(date.getHours(), 2) + 
-    pad(date.getMinutes(), 2) + 
-    pad(date.getSeconds(), 2); 
-var shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); 
-// run winscp to get list of file in the remote directory into XML log 
-exec = shell.Exec("\"" + WINSCP + "\""); 
-    "option batch abort\n" + 
-    "open \"" + SESSION + "\"\n" + 
-    "get \"" + REMOTEPATH + FILE + "\" \"" + LOCALPATH + FILE + "." + stamp + "\"\n" + 
-    "exit\n"); 
-// wait until the script finishes 
-while (exec.Status == 0) 
-    WScript.Sleep(100); 
-    WScript.Echo(exec.StdOut.ReadAll()); 
-Run the script with command: 
-cscript /nologo example.js 
-===== [[download_most_recent_file]] Downloading the most recent file ===== 
-You may use following [[guide_automation_advanced#wsh|Windows script host JavaScript code]] (''example.js''): 
-<code javascript> 
-// Configuration 
-// Local path to download to (keep trailing slash) 
-var LOCALPATH = "c:\\downloaded\\"; 
-// Remote path to search in (keep trailing slash) 
-var REMOTEPATH = "/home/user/"; 
-// Mask of files to search for 
-var FILEMASK = "*.*"; 
-// Session to connect to 
-var SESSION = "session"; 
-// Path to winscp.com 
-var WINSCP = "c:\\program files\\winscp\\winscp.com"; 
-var filesys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); 
-var shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); 
-var logfilepath = filesys.GetSpecialFolder(2) + "\\" + filesys.GetTempName() + ".xml"; 
-var exec; 
-// run winscp to get list of file in the remote directory into XML log 
-exec = shell.Exec("\"" + WINSCP + "\" /log=\"" + logfilepath + "\""); 
-    "option batch abort\n" + 
-    "open \"" + SESSION + "\"\n" + 
-    "ls \"" + REMOTEPATH + FILEMASK + "\"\n" + 
-    "exit\n"); 
-// wait until the script finishes 
-while (exec.Status == 0) 
-    WScript.Sleep(100); 
-    WScript.Echo(exec.StdOut.ReadAll()); 
-if (exec.ExitCode != 0) 
-    WScript.Echo("Error retrieving list of files"); 
-    WScript.Quit(1); 
-// look for log file 
-var logfile = filesys.GetFile(logfilepath); 
-if (logfile == null) 
-    WScript.Echo("Cannot find log file"); 
-    WScript.Quit(1); 
-// parse XML log file 
-var doc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); 
-doc.async = false; 
-    "xmlns:w='http://winscp.net/schema/session/1.0'"); 
-var nodes = doc.selectNodes("//w:file"); 
-// find the latest file 
-var filenameLatest = null; 
-var modificationLatest = null; 
-for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) 
-    var filename = nodes[i].selectSingleNode("w:filename/@value"); 
-    var modification = nodes[i].selectSingleNode("w:modification/@value"); 
-    if ((filename != null) && 
-        (filename.value != ".") && 
-        (filename.value != "..") && 
-        (modification != null)) 
-    { 
-        // can compare timestamps stringwise 
-        if ((modificationLatest == null) || 
-            (modificationLatest < modification.value)) 
-        { 
-            modificationLatest = modification.value; 
-            filenameLatest = filename.value; 
-        } 
-    } 
-// no file in the log 
-if (filenameLatest == null) 
-    WScript.Echo("No file found"); 
-    WScript.Quit(0); 
-// run winscp to download the latest file 
-exec = shell.Exec("\"" + WINSCP + "\""); 
-    "option batch abort\n" + 
-    "option confirm off\n" + 
-    "open \"" + SESSION + "\"\n" + 
-    "get \"" + REMOTEPATH + filenameLatest + "\" \"" + LOCALPATH + "\"\n" + 
-    "exit\n"); 
-// wait until the script finishes 
-while (!exec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) 
-    WScript.Echo(exec.StdOut.ReadAll()); 
-if (exec.ExitCode != 0) 
-    WScript.Echo("Error downloading " + filenameLatest); 
-    WScript.Quit(1); 
-Run the script with command: 
-cscript /nologo example.js 
-===== [[checking_file_existence]] Checking file existence ===== 
-You may use following [[guide_automation_advanced#wsh|Windows script host JavaScript code]] (''example.js''): 
-<code javascript> 
-// Configuration 
-// Remote file search for 
-var FILEPATH = "/home/user/myfile.dat"; 
-// Session to connect to 
-var SESSION = "session"; 
-// Path to winscp.com 
-var WINSCP = "c:\\program files\\winscp\\winscp.com"; 
-var filesys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); 
-var shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); 
-var logfilepath = filesys.GetSpecialFolder(2) + "\\" + filesys.GetTempName() + ".xml"; 
-var p = FILEPATH.lastIndexOf('/'); 
-var path = FILEPATH.substring(0, p); 
-var filename = FILEPATH.substring(p + 1); 
-var exec; 
-// run winscp to check for file existence 
-exec = shell.Exec("\"" + WINSCP + "\" /log=\"" + logfilepath + "\""); 
-    "option batch abort\n" + 
-    "open \"" + SESSION + "\"\n" + 
-    "ls \"" + path + "\"\n" + 
-    "exit\n"); 
-// wait until the script finishes 
-while (exec.Status == 0) 
-    WScript.Sleep(100); 
-    WScript.Echo(exec.StdOut.ReadAll()); 
-if (exec.ExitCode != 0) 
-    WScript.Echo("Error checking for file existence"); 
-    WScript.Quit(1); 
-// look for log file 
-var logfile = filesys.GetFile(logfilepath); 
-if (logfile == null) 
-    WScript.Echo("Cannot find log file"); 
-    WScript.Quit(1); 
-// parse XML log file 
-var doc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); 
-doc.async = false; 
-    "xmlns:w='http://winscp.net/schema/session/1.0'"); 
-var nodes = doc.selectNodes("//w:file/w:filename[@value='" + filename + "']"); 
-if (nodes.length > 0) 
-    WScript.Echo("File found"); 
-    // signalize file existence to calling process; 
-    // you can also continue with processing (e.g. downloading the file) 
-    // directly from the script here 
-    WScript.Quit(0); 
-    WScript.Echo("File not found"); 
-    WScript.Quit(1); 
-Run the script with command: 
-cscript /nologo example.js 
-Following batch file shown how to continue with processing based on file exitence: 
-cscript /nologo example.js 
-if errorlevel 1 goto error 
-echo File exists, do something 
-rem Do something 
-echo Error or file not exists 
-Alternatively you can continue with the processing directly in JavaScript code as suggested by respective comments. 
-===== [[local_move_after_successful_upload]] Moving local files to different location after successful upload ===== 
-WinSCP does not support move command for local files. Instead you can combine WinSCP script with batch file: 
-<code winscp> 
-option batch abort 
-option confirm off 
-# Connect 
-open mysession 
-# Upload the files 
-put *.* 
-Launch the above script from batch file like the one below: 
-winscp.com /script=example.txt 
-if errorlevel 1 goto error 
-echo Upload succeeded, moving local files 
-move *.* c:\backup\ 
-echo Upload failed, keeping local files 
-===== [[synchronize_any_local_file]] Shortcut to synchronize any local directory with remote directory ===== 
-You may want to have script that synchronizes any local directory with a same-named subdirectory of fixed remote path, e.g.: 
-  * ''c:\www\gallery'' with ''/home/user/www/gallery''; 
-  * ''c:\documents and settings\username\www\forum'' with ''/home/user/www/forum''. 
-Such script is particularly useful for integrating with Windows Explorer's 'Send To' menu. 
-First create wrapper batch file to store the paths you want to synchronize into environment variables (change ''/home/user/www/'' to remote path root you want to synchronize against): 
-winscp.com /script=example.txt /parameter %1 "/home/user/www/%~n1%~x1" 
-The script ''example.txt'' may look like: 
-<code winscp> 
-# Being intended for interactive session, we are not enabling batch mode 
-# Connect 
-open mysession 
-# Synchronize paths provided via environment variables 
-synchronize remote %1% %2% 
-Then you can make a shortcut to the batch file: 
-  * When placed on desktop, you can drop any local directory to it to start synchronization; 
-  * When placed to ''c:\documents and settings\username\sendto'', you can use //Send To > Your Shortcut// from context menu of any local directory. 
-===== [[auto_compress_download]] Automatically compress files before download ===== 
-Following script compresses selected files into tar/gzip archive and downloads it: 
-<code winscp> 
-option batch abort 
-option confirm off 
-open mysession 
-cd %1% 
-call tar -czf /tmp/archive.tar.gz %2% 
-get -delete /tmp/archive.tar.gz 
-Launch the above script from batch file like the one below, which automatically decompresses the archive: 
-winscp.com /script=example.txt /parameter %* 
-if errorlevel 1 goto error 
-echo Retrieving files succeeded 
-gzip -d archive.tar.gz 
-tar -xf archive.tar 
-del archive.tar 
-echo Retrieving files failed 
-Example of running the batch file to download all files under ''/home/user/www'': 
-example.bat /home/user/www *.* 
-The batch file needs Windows ports of ''gzip'' and ''tar'' tools. You can get them from [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/unxutils/|UnxUtils]] project. 
-===== Further Reading ===== 
-  * Guide to [[guide_automation|scripting/automation]]. 
===== Other Examples ===== ===== Other Examples =====
  * Guide to [[guide_automation|scripting/automation]];   * Guide to [[guide_automation|scripting/automation]];
-  * Guide to [[guide_automation_advanced|advanced scripting]]. +  * Guide to [[guide_automation_advanced|advanced scripting]]; 
-&lt;/nosplit&gt;+··* See [[library_examples|*]] for advanced tasks.

Last modified: by martin