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2014-06-12 2014-07-21
using Add-Type cmdlet instead of Assembly.LoadFrom method (martin) timestamp formating in a batch file (martin)
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==== Using WinSCP Scripting ==== ==== Using WinSCP Scripting ====
 +=== From a Batch File ===
 +In Windows batch file, you may retrieve current time in locale-independent format using command ''[[http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491034.aspx|wmic]] os get LocalDateTime''. You can parse the value using using [[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Windows_Batch_Scripting#String_processing|string processing syntax]]:
 +@echo off
 +for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set LDT=%%j
 +set STAMP=%LDT:~0,4%%LDT:~4,2%%LDT:~6,2%%LDT:~8,2%%LDT:~10,2%%LDT:~12,2%
 +winscp.com /script=script.txt
 +//Note that the expression after ''set STAMP='' shows how to extract individual date/time components, in case you need to interleave them by some punctuation. If not, you can replace it by simple ''%LDT:~0,14%''.//
 +The ''script.txt'' should make use of the variable ''STAMP'' using ''%STAMP%'' [[scripting#syntax|syntax]]. For example:
 +<code winscp>
 +option batch abort
 +option confirm off
 +open session
 +get "/home/user/download.txt" "C:\downloaded\download.txt.%STAMP%"
 +=== From a JavaScript ===
You may use following [[guide_automation_advanced#wsh|Windows script host JavaScript code]] (''example.js''): You may use following [[guide_automation_advanced#wsh|Windows script host JavaScript code]] (''example.js''):

Last modified: by martin